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Study Partner! Everyday life and customs

I think we need an app which is available for everyone. Discord is not available in China. But Instagram, Facebook and WhatsApp are ok
I guess Instagram is better if everyone have that

I think we need an app which is available for everyone. Discord is not available in China. But Instagram, Facebook and WhatsApp are ok

The problem with those apps are probably, that you are depend on giving away personal information - but we could connect it. Like a Intsagram group that is linked with the discord server. People that don't have an issue with sharing their informations are able to help and get help from both and users that can't have discord are still conected to everyone else. You know what I mean?

Please don't advertise groups on third party apps. We can't protect your personal information, or moderate content, or do anything in case of abuse taking place through such services. Penpal-Gate is the only platform that will truly protect you and stop malicious activity. There have been problems in the past with Whatsapp/Instagram/Facebook groups which we have zero control over. Only share your accounts with people you really trust!

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