I am bored..................................Can you teach me something?

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I wanna learn something about countrys and cultures!
Or languages😁
If you are my age 12-15 you can teach me something.

I’m bored i want learn frensh , help me

I am gonna crazy.i can't go anywhere

Ik can learn you Netherlands
Hello: hallo
Bye: doei
How ar you: hoe gaat het
Thanks : bedankt
Banana: banaan
I like you: ik vind je leuk
I love you: ik hou van jou
Snail: slak
Dog: hond

I hope you like it

hoe gaat het?

An interesting sentence in English that makes sense if you speak English well

"What was was before was was was?"

An interesting sentence in English that makes sense if you speak English well

"What was was before was was was?"

I don’t know, what do you think was was before was was was?

An interesting sentence in English that makes sense if you speak English well

"What was was before was was was?"

Ahah that's a good one. Maybe there was no was before was was was...

in sri lanka While i messaging we use short form ,like,
Gn-good night
Gm-good morning
tc-take care

French fries are not French but Belgian 😉
