I love going to the beach during the sunset and watching the water change color and the sun goes down slowly and the sounds are Just an incredible thing
I love those long evenings with friends in the summer, and when I drive home afterwards on my bike and it's still warm outside and I'm a bit drunk and can see the stars and the moon. I feel happy when I'm at the radio and wrote a good take or a good article or when I'm with the others from my shift and we're just talking. I like the smell of cake fresh out of the oven, sitting with coffee on the balcony, waking up and hearing the birds, laying at the beach and feeling the sun, finishing a really good book, bonding with others over shared interests, having breakfast in the garden with my family in the summer, spending time with the childhood friends I grew up with. Recently, I started cherishing even little moments of happiness and it made life so much better
I will be happy when I buy my house. Now. there are also moments that cause my joy. Happy at swimming training, traveling through the woods, chatting with friends and talking with family.
Water the plants
Clean the room with my favourite tools.
Reading a book at home on rainy day with candle on.
Smell the glass after the rain and watch snail passing by.