Which languages do you learn at school in your country?

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In Italy there are three levels of school:
in the frist (primary school) we learn italian and english
in the second (middle school) we learn italian, english and french
in the third (high school) you can choose some schools where the subjects are different (Italian and english are teached in all schools, though)
For example, there are school specialized in languages, where guys learn french, spanish and german.
There are also schools where you learn classical languages like latin and ancient greek.

In Algeria, we study Arabic, French, English and Tamazight (in some regions). We don't get to choose what language to study. We just learn them all. For people which are specialized into language classes in high school, they get to study Spanish or German.

Well,in my school, french, english, spanish, amharic, atin, german, italian were thaught.

In our schools in Uzbekistan we learn Russian (Uzbek) as a second language and English (French, German and Spanish) - one of them - as a foreign language.

mnl mnl

In Belgium it depands on where you live. My second langauge was Frenh (starting at age 10), at age 12 Engish, and at age 15 German.
In the French speaking part of Belgium you second language is normally Dutsch (depanding on the school it also can be Engish)

1 arabic
2 french
3 English

In my town schools we can learn english, german, french, russian and finnish

Edited by VajoletKosta .

At my high school, they offered English (mandatory, of course), German, French, Spanish, Japanese, and Latin. If you wanted, you could have gone to another school for an hour and a half during the day and taken Korean, Chinese, Arabic, and a few others. The most popular ones are French, Spanish, and German, however.

Hmm .. In fact, it is a question incorrectly. I live in Ukraine and we have a lot of choices in a foreign language. For example, it is possible to learn two foreign languages, or 3, one of which - Russian. Italian (rarely), Spanish (a little more), English, German, French. Although the authorities are trying to adjust the mix of languages, of which English is required 90% of the pupils. However, it is easier to learn a language by communicating with a native speaker, what, actually, I do.

In my high school I learn english and Spanish but we can learn Italian German, Latin and former greek

Edited by Clo_Arnd .

Here are English, French, Spanish, Dutch and Latin most common

I didn't know that french language is learnt almost everywhere 0_0

When i was in high school, i had the choice to start with english or german, i choosed german. Then i was forced to learn english as second foreign language 🙂

But globally in France, you can choose, english, german, spanish or italian, but depends of school, sometimes there is also chinese or japanese.

In Russia, required to study Russian and English. In some schools, there are French, German , Italian, Spanish . I'm learning Russian and English in my school.

In first second and third class of high school in Holland we learn English, French and German.
The languages you got to learn in the last three years will depend on the direction of subjects you chose.

You have English no matter what, you need to chose between french or german ( or both ) ( if you dont have dyslexia )
Besides that you can also follow Latin in Greek classes.

English, French

German, English, Russian, Spanish, Latin, Italian, French, Japanise
You have to choose between Latin and french in class 6, in class 8 you can get Spanish if you want to and in class 10 you can choose french if you learned latin before or choose italian or russian. Japanise you can learn if you want then you get extra lessons

English and Sweden

myp myp

I learn English, Dutch, French, German, Latin and Old-Greek. You can also choose at my school Chinese and Russian.

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