Me and my interests. Ask! 😇😊

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whats pop-mache?

(im asking this cuz some of the things in the list i dont unerstand)

It's... well, like you make a plasticine figure, then glue it with 5 layers of paper, then cut it, take out plasticine and glue it with 5 more layers... what else is n5 clear?) I hope you understood how 😅

It's... well, like you make a plasticine figure, then glue it with 5 layers of paper, then cut it, take out plasticine and glue it with 5 more layers... what else is n5 clear?) I hope you understood how 😅

im notsure, but i hope so too.


my brother too is learning the accodion 🙂

my brother too is learning the accodion 🙂

Yes? Cool!

Yes? Cool!

he has a Hohner, you?

he has a Hohner, you?

Honer? Is it a firm?

Honer? Is it a firm?

music stuff brand

(you write it Hohner)

music stuff brand

(you write it Hohner)


Hello 🫶🏻

I will sometimes post my work from classes and just what I did myself, at home 😜.

I hope someone will be interested in this! 😘

I can also tell you how to make/draw something)

It's a paper peony😉 it's very easy to make at home, from plain paper 😗

Hehe. I just drew a hedgehog 🤗

These are my drawings on the tablet 🙃

Idk if this was asked BUT: What is ur fav. sport?
Idk if this was asked BUT: What is ur fav. sport?

Heh). I didn't do almost anything at all... but I like checkers (I'm at the level of a reliever), chess and horse sports (we may soon practice it)