1 did you move somewhere recently/are you moving somewhere now?
2 where did you move to/where are you moving to?
3 how did you move there/are you moving there?
4 is/was it your whole familly, ore just you?
5 do you want to learn the language of that country fluently/did you allready learn it fluently?
1-2 ) I moved to Germany in the end of 2024 and will - hopefully - move back to Norway this year (I got a mail that made be full of hopes about it at least), but I don't know precisely when.
3 ) For the travel between Brittany and Germany, I moved essentially by bus and a little by train. Car is too expensive, and plane a little. I also have a semesterticket in Germany so better use the train there. For Norway, most likely plane and then train. That was the cheapest option back then and I don't think I will get a car for free before leaving, although that would be the most convenient, especially in the countryside.
4 ) Just me for now; my family always have lived in Brittany and will probably remain there.
5 ) I am ashamed to say that I speak almost 0 word of Germany and didn't take the time to learn it as I never planed to stay much and find the language incredibly complicated to read, listen or pronunce. I plan to put effort in learning Norwegian though, especially if I can stay more than 6 months there.
@LandRoverDiscovery2 are you definitely leaving your place in Spain to wander on the road/towards another region then? When will that happen and is there a reason for your departure?