Let's talk about the Third World War! Politics and governments

Good evening ! I do not share exactly the same point of view : I mean in my opinion, Vladimir Putin for example could have chosen to use tactical nuclear warheads on Ukrainian territory so as to impose his own conditions for a peace agreement in his conflict with this country, its people and government and he did not do until now ! For what kind a reason did he not do such an easy thing for him ? The answer is that all the 9 nations who got the atomic bomb : Russia, Us, China, France, Uk, India, Pakistan, Northern.Korea ans Israel know that the day when a nuclear power uses the atomic bomb against à country which can t retaliate to such an agression, it will sign the end of the world unproliferation nuclear treaty and all the countries which can technically and financially develop such mass destruction weapons will do it and of course it would increase massively the risk of their use for solving any kind of conflict between 2 countries.
You are aware that Israel, Pakistan, India... never accepted the traty you mention and that basically no country respects the NPT except, maybe, Japan because it is the only country that has known the effects of nuke and that generations of people there are still traumatized by it?

I know that you really hate Putin, but please, get a better narrative at least...

In fact, World War II started in 1931 that Japanese started to invade China. However, the World War II broke fully in 1939.9 all over the world. Therefore, are we in the World War III but we don't know?🤔

In fact, World War II started in 1931 that Japanese started to invade China. However, the World War II broke fully in 1939.9 all over the world. Therefore, are we in the World War III but we don't know?🤔

You are aware that Israel, Pakistan, India... never accepted the traty you mention and that basically no country respects the NPT except, maybe, Japan because it is the only country that has known the effects of nuke and that generations of people there are still traumatized by it?

I know that you really hate Putin, but please, get a better narrative at least...

Good morning ! On the 197 states recognized by the UN in this world, 191 have signed the Npt, 4 refused to sign it : India, Pakistan, Israël and Southern Sudan and one decided to leave it after signing, I mean Northern Korea. Npt was established in 1968 and its origin came from the fear of former american president Kennedy in 1963 shared on the same time by former Ussr dirigeants like Khroutchev then Brejnev to face with 25 nuclear powers at the beginning of the seventies and by the way, Npt didn t work so bad because only nine states in this world got nukes at the present time !

You are aware that Israel, Pakistan, India... never accepted the traty you mention and that basically no country respects the NPT except, maybe, Japan because it is the only country that has known the effects of nuke and that generations of people there are still traumatized by it?

I know that you really hate Putin, but please, get a better narrative at least...

Anyway, if you remember what I used to write on another forum before, I did not forget the massive financial support ( 500 millionth dollars ) that president Putin decided to give to the french society I m working for in 2013 so as to increase,the size and production of its moscowian plant ( Avtoframos,or Reno Zavod for Russians ) and,it makes,me always smile and laugh when I see so many people, too many people , who used to Kiss the mouth and the others private parts of Putin s,body by the past if you understand what I mean and who are asking for his elimination now ! ( political and even physical ! ).
Putin will never be judged by an international court because he knows to many things about so many people and if it was to be the case, those people would have to give some explanations to the court for their past behaviour with this character !

I believe he will have a third war,Michel notre dame Nostradamus in English predicted longtime ago . Everything he predicted happen over the centuries.
I have also seen many prophecies about the future……
This and next two years are good opportunities to verify them.
May the world be at peace.

Good morning ! On the 197 states recognized by the UN in this world, 191 have signed the Npt, 4 refused to sign it : India, Pakistan, Israël and Southern Sudan and one decided to leave it after signing, I mean Northern Korea. Npt was established in 1968 and its origin came from the fear of former american president Kennedy in 1963 shared on the same time by former Ussr dirigeants like Khroutchev then Brejnev to face with 25 nuclear powers at the beginning of the seventies and by the way, Npt didn t work so bad because only nine states in this world got nukes at the present time !
Anyway, if you remember what I used to write on another forum before, I did not forget the massive financial support ( 500 millionth dollars ) that president Putin decided to give to the french society I m working for in 2013 so as to increase,the size and production of its moscowian plant ( Avtoframos,or Reno Zavod for Russians ) and,it makes,me always smile and laugh when I see so many people, too many people , who used to Kiss the mouth and the others private parts of Putin s,body by the past if you understand what I mean and who are asking for his elimination now ! ( political and even physical ! ).
Putin will never be judged by an international court because he knows to many things about so many people and if it was to be the case, those people would have to give some explanations to the court for their past behaviour with this character !
Anyway, this is not really answering my question, so let me rephrase: 1) Are you aware that current nuclear powers and countries that are (finally) able to develop nuclear weapons don't care about the NPT? 2) How is NPT of any relevance for Russia in the current events/world?

Your previous interventions of various forums always have been pro wars, EU, anti russia, pro Ukraine (which France has trained neo-nazis for), call to murder and that's all I can remember.
You promote wars and escalations of violences. You supported Macron back then and it is almost certain that you still support him and his desire to bring French people to a bloodbath 2000 km from their country.
Maybe you are not the best one here to talk about peace, don't you think?

As for people who kissed Putin's ass and are now very much against him, nope, I don't understand and I am not really caring about it, but I guess that we can't blame you of this, although that you worked, apparently, for Renault and had link with Russia, you sticked to one side from the begining on this forum; much to your credit, if that can be said here...

Maybe Putin will not be judged because he has to be caught first..? I don't think some others people who pushed toward this war and to global conflicts will ever be judged either though.

Edited by Lianshen .
Anyway, this is not really answering my question, so let me rephrase: 1) Are you aware that current nuclear powers and countries that are (finally) able to develop nuclear weapons don't care about the NPT? 2) How is NPT of any relevance for Russia in the current events/world?

Your previous interventions of various forums always have been pro wars, EU, anti russia, pro Ukraine (which France has trained neo-nazis for), call to murder and that's all I can remember.
You promote wars and escalations of violences. You supported Macron back then and it is almost certain that you still support him and his desire to bring French people to a bloodbath 2000 km from their country.
Maybe you are not the best one here to talk about peace, don't you think?

As for people who kissed Putin's ass and are now very much against him, nope, I don't understand and I am not really caring about it, but I guess that we can't blame you of this, although that you worked, apparently, for Renault and had link with Russia, you sticked to one side from the begining on this forum; much to your credit, if that can be said here...

Maybe Putin will not be judged because he has to be caught first..? I don't think some others people who pushed toward this war and to global conflicts will ever be judged either though.

So as to answer more clearly to your both questions, NPT ist just a piece of paper that of course states on this planet are freed to respect or not but it is very easy to
notice that there seems to be a real great pressure from the actual main nuclear powers so as to prevent others states to get their own national atomic bomb ( like Iran for example at the present time ) and that was the main goal of this international treaty when it was initiated during the sixties by the Us and former Ussr !
From 1968 until now,many countries who started atomic programs ( Brasil, Argentina , Libya of your former beloved panafrican leader Mouamar Khadafi, Sweden, Switzerland, the former West Germany, Italy, Belgium and Iraq ) gave them up and even former Apartheid s South Africa which used to succeed in producing until 6 nukes on the seventies decided to dismantle them and of course, we can also talk about the case of Ukrainia and Belorussia which decided at the beginning of the nineties to give back the former soviet nukes on their ground to the New Federation of Russia in exchange of an international treaty in 1994 for Ukraina that Russia would always respect the international borders of this New independant state and of course everyone can notice how much this treaty is fully respected by the political leader of Russia at the present time !🤣

Anyway, this is not really answering my question, so let me rephrase: 1) Are you aware that current nuclear powers and countries that are (finally) able to develop nuclear weapons don't care about the NPT? 2) How is NPT of any relevance for Russia in the current events/world?

Your previous interventions of various forums always have been pro wars, EU, anti russia, pro Ukraine (which France has trained neo-nazis for), call to murder and that's all I can remember.
You promote wars and escalations of violences. You supported Macron back then and it is almost certain that you still support him and his desire to bring French people to a bloodbath 2000 km from their country.
Maybe you are not the best one here to talk about peace, don't you think?

As for people who kissed Putin's ass and are now very much against him, nope, I don't understand and I am not really caring about it, but I guess that we can't blame you of this, although that you worked, apparently, for Renault and had link with Russia, you sticked to one side from the begining on this forum; much to your credit, if that can be said here...

Maybe Putin will not be judged because he has to be caught first..? I don't think some others people who pushed toward this war and to global conflicts will ever be judged either though.

Concerning the relevance of Npt for Russia at the present time , I do agree with you that if Russia led by Putin do not respect an international treaty ratifyed by Federation of Russia led by former Boris Eltsin, they really don t care about an Npt ratifyed by former Ussr of Leonid Brejnev even if Putin kept telling us all day long that the disappearing of former Ussr in.1991 is the greatest tragedy of 20th century !🤣
In fact, everybody knows that if Russia decided to use only tactical nuclear weapons on.Ukrainian territory, the government of this country would immediately surrender like the japanese did after the atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki cities in.august 1945 and if Putin did not take such a decision to put an end to war in Ukraina that s only for 2 reasons : first one because he knows that if Russia used nukes against a country which does not have such weapons , most of the neighbours states from.Russia would ask for the american nuclear umbrella protection or would immediately develop their own nukes and that would seriously change the balance of forces around Russia ( who will be scared of the 6400 nukes of russian federation if all its direct neighbors got a significant number of on their own ! ). The second reason is that russian economy is only working with war economy , so if war in.Ukraine stopped now, Russian economy would immediately collapse !

I don't think we will witness a world war in the classic sense since we're in the age of proxy wars. That's more operable and sustainable magic tool for great powers.

Anyway, this is not really answering my question, so let me rephrase: 1) Are you aware that current nuclear powers and countries that are (finally) able to develop nuclear weapons don't care about the NPT? 2) How is NPT of any relevance for Russia in the current events/world?

Your previous interventions of various forums always have been pro wars, EU, anti russia, pro Ukraine (which France has trained neo-nazis for), call to murder and that's all I can remember.
You promote wars and escalations of violences. You supported Macron back then and it is almost certain that you still support him and his desire to bring French people to a bloodbath 2000 km from their country.
Maybe you are not the best one here to talk about peace, don't you think?

As for people who kissed Putin's ass and are now very much against him, nope, I don't understand and I am not really caring about it, but I guess that we can't blame you of this, although that you worked, apparently, for Renault and had link with Russia, you sticked to one side from the begining on this forum; much to your credit, if that can be said here...

Maybe Putin will not be judged because he has to be caught first..? I don't think some others people who pushed toward this war and to global conflicts will ever be judged either though.

Ok so if according to you, I m spending my time to promote war , violence and calling to murder on the various penpal political forums where we are used to debating , I m really asking why Etienne, the french creator and admistrator of Penpal did not already decide to ban my profile like he did before for many persons we met like those dear Akil or Kamarsky ?

Anyway, this is not really answering my question, so let me rephrase: 1) Are you aware that current nuclear powers and countries that are (finally) able to develop nuclear weapons don't care about the NPT? 2) How is NPT of any relevance for Russia in the current events/world?

Your previous interventions of various forums always have been pro wars, EU, anti russia, pro Ukraine (which France has trained neo-nazis for), call to murder and that's all I can remember.
You promote wars and escalations of violences. You supported Macron back then and it is almost certain that you still support him and his desire to bring French people to a bloodbath 2000 km from their country.
Maybe you are not the best one here to talk about peace, don't you think?

As for people who kissed Putin's ass and are now very much against him, nope, I don't understand and I am not really caring about it, but I guess that we can't blame you of this, although that you worked, apparently, for Renault and had link with Russia, you sticked to one side from the begining on this forum; much to your credit, if that can be said here...

Maybe Putin will not be judged because he has to be caught first..? I don't think some others people who pushed toward this war and to global conflicts will ever be judged either though.

Ok so if according to you, I m spending my time to promote war , violence and calling to murder on the various penpal political forums where we are used to debating , I m really asking why Etienne, the french creator and admistrator of Penpal did not already decide to ban my profile like he did before for many persons we met like those dear Akil or Kamarsky ?
Anyway, this is not really answering my question, so let me rephrase: 1) Are you aware that current nuclear powers and countries that are (finally) able to develop nuclear weapons don't care about the NPT? 2) How is NPT of any relevance for Russia in the current events/world?

Your previous interventions of various forums always have been pro wars, EU, anti russia, pro Ukraine (which France has trained neo-nazis for), call to murder and that's all I can remember.
You promote wars and escalations of violences. You supported Macron back then and it is almost certain that you still support him and his desire to bring French people to a bloodbath 2000 km from their country.
Maybe you are not the best one here to talk about peace, don't you think?

As for people who kissed Putin's ass and are now very much against him, nope, I don't understand and I am not really caring about it, but I guess that we can't blame you of this, although that you worked, apparently, for Renault and had link with Russia, you sticked to one side from the begining on this forum; much to your credit, if that can be said here...

Maybe Putin will not be judged because he has to be caught first..? I don't think some others people who pushed toward this war and to global conflicts will ever be judged either though.

Oh I know because maybe he is also himself a macronist ! 🤣And you also seem to forget all the very nice words that you already used by the past to qualify countries like Russia and Ukraine, " shitty countries " if I remember : for sure that s a very good way to promote friendship and love between nations and people !🤣

Ok so if according to you, I m spending my time to promote war , violence and calling to murder on the various penpal political forums where we are used to debating , I m really asking why Etienne, the french creator and admistrator of Penpal did not already decide to ban my profile like he did before for many persons we met like those dear Akil or Kamarsky ?
After all this time, you don't seem to have evolved the slightlest when it comes to comprehension. Promoting war isn't illegal, neither is escalation between Russian and Ukraine (especially not in the current political context, and especially not when you align with Macron or EU and US). Similarly, with all the events a few years ago, incitating hatred towards Russia and Russians wouldn't have been punished at all and was very tolerated on social medias.
As for calling to murder, it was more exact to say that you made a death threat ; I quote:
the ruscist man that I m determined to eliminate physically if necessary
For this one, you may have gotten a chance, or your statement simply got drowned in massive spam, and I believe that 1 person has more to do that monitoring 154535 messages a day.

Concerning my own stands, I never said I promoted friendship. Here again, you show that you shouldn't extrapolate... Saying that Russia and Ukraine, or Israel and Palestine (or even, EU, US) are all shitty corrupted countries/institutions isn't promoting war or anything though, it's an opinion at worse, a fact at best. I know this can hurt you, but that doesn't change anything to the nature of my statement.
I'll let you babbling alone again now.

I don't think we will witness a world war in the classic sense since we're in the age of proxy wars. That's more operable and sustainable magic tool for great powers.
As for Ukraine or Taiwan?

As for Ukraine or Taiwan?
not Ukraine or Taiwan
Israel and Palestine is

Lebanon and Israel seem to be going to war too.

For this one, you may have gotten a chance, or your statement simply got drowned in massive spam, and I believe that 1 person has more to do that monitoring 154535 messages a day.

Concerning my own stands, I never said I promoted friendship. Here again, you show that you shouldn't extrapolate... Saying that Russia and Ukraine, or Israel and Palestine (or even, EU, US) are all shitty corrupted countries/institutions isn't promoting war or anything though, it's an opinion at worse, a fact at best. I know this can hurt you, but that doesn't change anything to the nature of my statement.
I'll let you babbling alone again now.

Ok as you found out again my former comment to that dear Serguey from.Voronej Russia that I used to post 2 years ago on the the true and lies of Ukraine s forum, you forgot to point that I also wrote I was determined to eliminate this person physically if it was necessary in case of military war between our both countries and I further apologized for these words directly to this person ! ( that s maybe the reason why Etienne did not ban me from Penpal ! )
There is a last out of topic question which I would be really glad you to answer to me : you keep telling us that you re not french but Breton ( Britanny is a french province since 1488 if I remember well ! ) and you keep telling us that you are very lucky to be able to travel far away from your birth country at the moment ( maybe are you in St Petersburg Russia or in China , Iran or Northern Korea now ! ) : so you keep criticizing so often as you can, French institutions, government and political forces and maybe by the way are you supporting a plan for the autonomy , home rule or independence of your country. If that s the case, can you please tell me more about your dreams and plans for your country and not letting me in my ignorance. Have a nice day and weekend Mr Lianschen !😀

Digging out weapons from the desert~