watch these if u wanna the TRUTH!



hey 😁
I know you love your country mirage but china wants to be "UNITED" by forcing others to stay united... peace cant exist under such pressure... It's not all about Tibet... China does a lot of cruel things since years... What about Chinese farmers ? Their land gets stolen by the chinese government... if they dont want to leave their own land the government will beat them up or even kill them... Do you know China is the country with the highest execution rate ? People get killed because of stealing food... why do they steal food ? Because they're hungry... if they wouldn't steal food... they would starve and die anyway...
I'm not saying that China is the only country who does these cruel things... Africa does... Iran does... and I'm sure other countries do it as well...
You think the White/Western medias all lie... ever thought chinese medias lie ? Of course our media lies ... every media does... but dont you think there is a little truth about what (f.e.) CNN says ?
Be more open minded,
dont shut your mind for chinese thoughts only...

People get killed because of stealing food... why do they steal food ? Because they're hungry... if they wouldn't steal food... they would starve and die anyway...
Oh,I even have not heared that....It was terrible thing I can not believe.
Markus,Do you think China have this problems now?
I will tell you some truth,China is a big country and there are so many people there,so some problems always happen for this or that..But,do not have a view that something happend have the certain business with the politics or Chinese Gov.
You will not get the correct answer if you always thinks problems by your New cold war thinking.

Tulip, i don't think that it is a New cold war. Not at all, i'm also communist, but i think that china is not a real communist country. Putting people in prison because they tell some bad things about your governement is not a good way.. That is what I think. Everybody can say what he wants.

And a country where there is the death penality is not a real democratic country (The us are not too, for me, if they use the death penality)

WIll you peeps stop arguing lol not your not fighting are u?

I accept some of your words due to some reasonable component!
Well,I am also think China is not a democratic country currently,but the country is now changing his politics and policies.We have improved so much as I think.
And,about the Tibet,I insist that the Dailai lama is a separatism guy and have a vilence group~!This is intolerable~!

Well, I can understand your ideas, cause you live in China, and you think that tibet is a part of your country.

But I think that China is forcing the Tibet to be a part of China. That is just what i (and a lot of people) think.

You are true, i should go in tibet and talk with tibetan people. Here, i just can speak with chineese people

French touch ? Tu es communiste ????
You are scaring me...don't you think that communism is beautiful idea but a desaster in reality because it's inhuman ?
Have you forgotten the URSS ? Cuba ? North Korea ? Cambodge ? All the millions of dead because of its inhuman ideology !

I can't believe it comes from a french citizen who lives in in democraty.

But i make a difference between Chinese nation and chinese governement. I have full respect for chinese nation like everybody should have.
Hating chinese people is a stupid thing, we'd better help them by showing the way of Democraty to improve their politic system.
But i understand chinese people who don't want to be "taught" in democraty by foreigners. That's why we have to be respectfull with chinese nation.
So Viva China but viva Free China, and i hope Chinese people will soon get the politic system and governement they really deserve.

I agry with you. But they do not. The majority of Chineese people feel good with there governement. So, we should not tell them that there is something better.

Well, for me, URSS, Cuba, North korea and cambodge can't be called communist. They are some dictatures. My definition of "communism" take place in a democratie. Communism is the power given to the whole population, not to some military chiefs, or to some people that have never seen some poor people...
For me, it is just unfair to see that 40 headmaster of the "cac 40" firms (the best 40 french firms) earned 160 Millions euros in one year, when a lot of people are dying in coldness, or when some girls have to sell there body to pay there study. I guess you understand what i mean.
I'm thinking that we could share all this money. It's not fair

I understand what French-touch means when he says he is communist : this is an ideal : every poeple equal with the same money and the same possessions. But now we know that this political regime leads dictatorships like in URSS or Cuba cause according to me we can' t force poeple to share everything whithout using violence.
I would like to answer to Mirage and tulip :
Firstly, mirage, Have you ever seen me crying like this that i love france? That's you're right but you don't have to be agressive !
I understand that you love your country but i agree with Markus : be more mind open! Every country have some defects : France does, England does and China does too.
Then, Tulip, the only thing i reproach to your government is that, in my opinion, they want to force tibet to be a part of China... The fact of wanting to unify the country at any cost leads too many violence...
One thing more : Why does Chinese government sterilize Tibetan women ?
Like Robespierre, i hope that Chinese poeple will have soon the government they deserve....

Edited by Vandien .

Sorry French touch, after reading my post, i've observed that i was too much agressive, sorry.

I think i agree with Vandien, you're an idealist, and your vision of communism sounds romantic, but in reality it's a disaster and mankind doesn't deserve millions of dead again. We shouldn't vote for these extremists parties.

Moreover, communism is inhuman, and unfair. People haven't got same talents and merit, communism isn't appropriate for human beings.
Next, in a liberal globalization, communism can't exist anymore, and it's a good news.
Liberty has won.

I'm hopefull with chinese nation, the new generation is now open to the world and proud of their culture, it's a good news for the whole world. I hope this new generation will read of about the French Revolution, it could help them 😁

I'm an utopist, for sure. But i think we could mix different systems, take the best parts of every one. Well, liberalism is a good way about liberty. But a bad way in economy, when everybody has not the same chances to win. When you born in a rich family, you have more chance to become rich than if you born in a poor family. that is a fact. Liberalis could be interessant if everybody had the same chances. I believe that if we change everybody's mind, everybody could work hard for the comunity. And everybody would be payed for his work..

We would not have to use violence, if everybody thought like us, if rich people had no problem to give a bit of there money to poor people from the world. Yes, for me, it can work just if a big part of the world change too. And if we vote for one of this political party, it won't need anyviolence.

Today, communist party are different than the old one from USSR and so... Because they saw what happened, and they are all for dimocratie. We just have to find someone who would not love power and money. Then he could give the power to the population. That's it the communism. the power to the whole population

"French touch president ! French touch president !" 😁
No, whithout joking, i totally agree with you.
But i think it will be hard to find someone who would love power and money... Everyone love that, and i'm the first to...
I agree that today communist party is different that in old times. But only in the west part of the world : look at Korea...
And in France, i'm not sure that Olivier Besancenot is the best man to lead our country.(I'm not saying that sarkozy is this man)

oh i forgot : Robespierre, French revolution is not a reference to take... too many deads and poeple without head any more to me =(

I'm also in for this Democratic-Communism, if we can call it that. 🙂 I don't think that D-C means 'same' money, 'same' possession...rather, equal "opportunities". It's just incredibly unfair that a girl born in a poor family doesn't get a 'teeny bit' of opportunities that I get, and my family's a Lower Middle Class family. No good food, no decent, clean clothes, no nice home...these things are so very basic!!!...and, on the other side, we're "patting ourselves ourselves on the back" cos we have "so and so" number of Top (e.g.) 50 Richest Men of the World in our countries or something similar.
And, it's awful that those 'Rich' men don't think of helping poor people, while thinking about investment. I think you can invest those money in poor people, by giving them reasonable loans and uplifting them. It's a much better use for that money, as far as I'm concerned.
And, in this D-C, everybody wouldn't be paid equal salary cos that's ridiculous. You get paid for "your" work.
I really do think there are people who don't want more power and money than they need. It's like, this is enough for my survival and comfort and I don't want more. 🙂 In fact, I'm like that. I just don't want to be rich!!! If I've extra money, I'd rather give it to people who're in dire need of it.
As French-Touch said, it's equal opportunities and chances of survival that we're talking about. Again, I agree with French-Touch in saying that if we change, a lot of us, in our way of thinking, then, definitely, D-C will work WITHOUT violence. We need to open-minded too. 😉

hey 😁
I know you love your country mirage but china wants to be "UNITED" by forcing others to stay united... peace cant exist under such pressure... It's not all about Tibet... China does a lot of cruel things since years... What about Chinese farmers ? Their land gets stolen by the chinese government... if they dont want to leave their own land the government will beat them up or even kill them... Do you know China is the country with the highest execution rate ? People get killed because of stealing food... why do they steal food ? Because they're hungry... if they wouldn't steal food... they would starve and die anyway...
I'm not saying that China is the only country who does these cruel things... Africa does... Iran does... and I'm sure other countries do it as well...
You think the White/Western medias all lie... ever thought chinese medias lie ? Of course our media lies ... every media does... but dont you think there is a little truth about what (f.e.) CNN says ?
Be more open minded,
dont shut your mind for chinese thoughts only...
u don't even know about us.......

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