Do you believe in the moon landing? Politique et gouvernements

Do you believe in NASA's moon landing?

I personally DONT believe in it


I do not believe in it neither!!!

Here is why:

I do not believe in it neither!!!
Same lol ,

1 reason is cuz that time how did they get one the moon if Tec was sooo bad that time and now its much much better and they cant get one the moon NOW ,how????
If they did that time then why not now?
CUZ THEY CANT and they NEVER did.

Do you understand Photoshop and what it can do?
I can make a video of a moon landing in a day, and if it goes viral it will be believed by millions of uneducated people

Take NASA’s name, for instance. In Hebrew, the word nasa means to deceive. Hence, this proves that from its founding, NASA admitted in plain sight that it deceives people

And why would North America have different sizes in different images when the earth is the same size in each image?(Please see my gallery in my profile to check out these pics)

Take NASA’s name, for instance. In Hebrew, the word nasa means to deceive. Hence, this proves that from its founding, NASA admitted in plain sight that it deceives people

And why would North America have different sizes in different images when the earth is the same size in each image?(Please see my gallery in my profile to check out these pics)

Because they are not simply images as long as you have some knowledge in cartography and the technics used in map projection. That's pure mathematics. As on all map projections, shapes or sizes are distortions of the true layout of the Earth's surface. "Map projections can be constructed to preserve some of these properties at the expense of others. Because the Earth's curved surface is not isometric to a plane, preservation of shapes inevitably requires a variable scale and, consequently, non-proportional presentation of areas. Similarly, an area-preserving projection can not be conformal, resulting in shapes and bearings distorted in most places of the map. Each projection preserves, compromises, or approximates basic metric properties in different ways. The purpose of the map determines which projection should form the base for the map. Because maps have many different purposes, a diversity of projections have been created to suit those purposes."

NASA doesn't mean decieve in Hebrew but the word "naša" means. Its phonetic spelling is "nasha." But of course, conspiracy lovers don't know how to read the grapheme "Š"

From the Apollo Moon missions, there are 8,400 publicly available photos, thousands of hours of video footage, a mountain of scientific data, and full transcripts and audio recordings of all air-to-ground conversations. We even have 382 kilograms of Moon rock that Apollo astronauts brought back to Earth. These rocks have been independently verified as lunar by laboratories around the world. Not enough? No problem, there is yet to come.

simple instrument installed 50 years ago by Apollo 11. During their day on the Moon, Armstrong and Aldrin planted a lunar laser ranging retroreflector array on the surface. It’s still operational today, and allows us to reflect lasers off of it and measure the distance to the Moon down to the centimetre. I guess you can't do this with your mighty Photoshop.

The extensive documentation, including thousands of photos and hours of video footage from the Apollo missions, along with the scientific data and physical samples such as moon rocks, were planned way b4.
If they actually went to the moon why dont they do it again??
Cmon, its soo easy for the moon rock to be made up
NASA's website is .gov, the government is controlling it, obviously its soo easy for them to bribe the scientists etc

Check out the pics in my gallery, u can clearly see that the hue and everything has been severely edited in all the photos, its not possible for it to be soo different in all the pics

Scientific data???!!! You mean bribed data

The moon rocks are so-called "verified" by labs, but their scientists are under the control of the government 😭

Can we all see the laser?? NO! We cant, so what does that tell u?

It's 100% possible to have made all those 8400 with photoshop!

They literally went to the moon 12 times

They literally went to the moon 12 times
HAHA Kale, cmon!
U really believe that??
Dont follow everything NASA says

I literally watched them put the rocket into space lmao

I literally watched them put the rocket into space lmao
Havent u heard of photoshop and adobe!!!

I guess it’s different for people not in America but if it’s all fake why did so many astronauts die? Like if the rockets were just a show why do people die and such? I mean it’s serious training to go to space and everything.

You do realize that the moon landings were before photoshop and adobe right?

You do realize that the moon landings were before photoshop and adobe right?
Yeah lol im not dumb
But its soo easy for it to have been staged!
Just trow a black tablecloth oer and make a moon outta something and put spacesuits on and BOOM! Theres ur moon landing

Do u know how much money they probably got paid?! to stay in hiding for life and fake their death
(Im gonna finish my daily quotas 🤦🤦)

Then why did they send multiple missions to the moon

They literally went to the moon 12 times
You watch tó much tv!