Do you believe in the moon landing? Politics and governments

This formidable adventure that was the conquest of the moon remains a fact proven by numerous documentaries. We will soon find the traces intact on the lunar surface when we return there. Of course the skeptics will continue to refute everything. Their arguments are of the same type as those who assert that the Earth is flat. For the moment these fanciful and unproven assertions relate more to religious belief than to real reflection or it is simple jealousy.
We've already got some third-party evidences over there. In April 2021 the ISRO Chandrayaan-2 orbiter captured an image of the Apollo 11 Lunar Module Eagle descent stage. The orbiter's image of Tranquility Base, the Apollo 11 landing site, was released to the public in a presentation on September 3, 2021.

K__ K__
This formidable adventure that was the conquest of the moon remains a fact proven by numerous documentaries. We will soon find the traces intact on the lunar surface when we return there. Of course the skeptics will continue to refute everything. Their arguments are of the same type as those who assert that the Earth is flat. For the moment these fanciful and unproven assertions relate more to religious belief than to real reflection or it is simple jealousy.

The moon landing is totally fake. They just sat in a lift and went upstairs in a room that looks like the moon.
Ok, this is the first time i totally agree with u Azmin😅