Who has been better president of USA? Obama, Trump, or Biden? Politik und Regierungen

Who do you think made the USA best during their term, Obama, Trumpm or Biden?

Trump and Biden are too old

ye same opinion ngl i wish obama could have a longer term

ye same opinion ngl i wish obama could have a longer term

Absolutely Trump

Who do you think made the USA best during their term, Obama, Trumpm or Biden?
Trump wil win.

Obama was one of the best presidents the USA has ever had, I wish he lasted longer

I think Obama was the best.

Do I really need chosen them? If Cornel Ronald West come, I will vote him one.Lmao

Who do you think made the USA best during their term, Obama, Trumpm or Biden?

Sad that Obama had already 2 terms - 2 terms max. for someone- ... is one of the best presidents.
And biden is maybe to old for this but still good.
Trump is more a bussnessman.

I will choose for Obama for best president

Bearbeitet von Daniel-Mulder .

Trump and Biden are too old
Obama was better

Obama was better

Trump is the best in they three.

Trump is the best in they three.
I agree.The unemployment rate in the United States was very low during the Trump administration

Who do you think made the USA best during their term, Obama, Trumpm or Biden?
I would say Obama was rhe best president

trump cause he has cool hair

I don't know how they contribute to USA. But from the rest of the world point of view, I respect Trump. Current situation in Libya, Ukraine, Palestine are examples of the the other leaders.

Biden has matched J.F. Kennedy with his intellectual capabilities of course when I speak about Kennedy I mean only the period after his assassination