What do you think is the best form of government ? Politics and governments

In your opinion it is better:
- Parliamentary republic
- Presidential republic
- Semi-presidential republic
- Directorial Republic
- One-party republic
- Parliamentary monarchy
- Constitutional monarchy
- Absolute monarchy

Uhhh...sometimes I think, that people cant handle freedom and democracy.
In the same way people get more freedom, they start to get completely stupid. In a free world with no need for wars and so, people start to belive that Q-Anon assholes tell the truth. In a free world people start to believe in a DeepState that will conquer us all. And the bighest bullshit: In a free world stupid Republicans in the USA believe, that the dumbhead Donald Trump tells the truth. Unbelieveable ...

As long as the quality of life of the people is okay, any form of government should be okay... There is no ABSOLUTE need for democracy and liberty as long as you are okay with the regime that you have. Being a democratic and free country doesn't make a country superior to the others...

Uhhh...sometimes I think, that people cant handle freedom and democracy.
In the same way people get more freedom, they start to get completely stupid.

I agree. I think people should get liberty, but in a reasonable way, not "everyone" thinking and giving opinions about "everyting" they want without knowing a single thing about it...
Also, I realize that people who are more """free""" think that every other moral is opposed to "freedom", and therefore has to be rejected, as if only THEIR moral was the "universal" one and everyone should respect it, even when they are not in their country...

Anarchy(just kidding😂

It is strange that you mention so many form of Republic, yet no form of democracy like direct, consistutional, representative... democracies (some Republics are, but it definitely doesn't mean republic = democracy).

As for me, I'd love to get a philosopher king, but this is a wishful dream, so monarchy/bonapartism (I don't like the anglosaxonism of Napoléon III though) would be ok. I appreciated the idea of Napoléon IV about making an aristocracy of merit and trying to make the life of workers better/extirpated them from slavery.

I agree. I think people should get liberty, but in a reasonable way, not "everyone" thinking and giving opinions about "everyting" they want without knowing a single thing about it...
"I'm for freedom and tolerance, but only for people who think like me" is probably the most spread view on freedom around... Funnily, you point it out just after, but fail to see how similar your view is.


I agree. I think people should get liberty, but in a reasonable way, not "everyone" thinking and giving opinions about "everyting" they want without knowing a single thing about it...
"I'm for freedom and tolerance, but only for people who think like me" is probably the most spread view on freedom around... Funnily, you point it out just after, but fail to see how similar your view is.

Similar doesn’t mean identical (-;
Also, what do you mean, precisely ?

For me it depends. If I can have a King who will be like Mark Aurelius or King Arthur - sure. Or me as Imperator - also great option.

I don't know which one system would be best objectively, because wrong people can spoil everything, even if we give them best tools.

USA system seems to work not so bad, but maybe it is thanks to the fact that this country is made by states, and they have serious amount of authonomy. People also... Still, seems to love freedom as they have it there: guns, property, etc. and they can choose governor that helps them keep it and live how they want to live. To some degree.

Sadly or not, the huge influence on any form of government is possesed by corporations and weaknesses of people that should be the most resistant.

So... In few words: every democracy and republic have at least one Sith hiding amongs the people. Number of Siths and Jar Jar Bings is horrendously huge today, in governments.

Yeah, maybe kings are the best solution, because theoretically the only Being over them is God.

I'm yet on the lines of Aristotle: "For the real difference between democracy and oligarchy is poverty and wealth. Wherever men rule by reason of their wealth, whether they be few or many, that is an oligarchy, and where the poor rule, that is a democracy." This statement is irritatingly accurate. But more and worse yet to come: “None of the principles on which men claim to rule, and hold other men in subjection to them, are strictly right.” In brief there is no clear cut best system but "faute de mieux."

The best form for government in my opinion is Theocratic Dictatorship. People should be friendlier to each other and fear of something bigger than they beans. Yes, and no individuality. Mass market individuality is a perversion.

Long live to this kind government. Be sure you'll be unhappy with it, your taste of live would be stronger though. What can be better that praying for better place after this world?

I agree. I think people should get liberty, but in a reasonable way, not "everyone" thinking and giving opinions about "everyting" they want without knowing a single thing about it...
"I'm for freedom and tolerance, but only for people who think like me" is probably the most spread view on freedom around... Funnily, you point it out just after, but fail to see how similar your view is.

Similar doesn’t mean identical (-;
Also, what do you mean, precisely ?

That you talk about reasonable freedom, yet freedom of thoughts already seems too much for you and I said that it is a very shared belief, including among people you would probably like to censor for thinking or saying ""everyting" they want without knowing a single thing about it".
I found it ironic because you show these signs that are seeds of dogma, while describing very well, a sentence later, a case of dogmatic people.

“None of the principles on which men claim to rule, and hold other men in subjection to them, are strictly right.” In brief there is no clear cut best system but "faute de mieux."
This I couldn't agree more. It's good to remind it as it is sometimes too obvious that it's easily forgettable... However, determining the better system faute de mieux.) sometimes seems tough and relative as well. How then do you find the right balance?
For instance, I stated earlier that I'm not really fond in democracy because I hold the belief that if democracy can work nicely on a small scale, like a city, it is too fragile on a national level. Yet, admitting this is true (which can't be ascertained), does it works for every kind of culture? Is there a constant number of citizen that can be used as a cap to say "no democracy above x", or does it depends on the context too?

Demokratie finde ich am Besten und Gerechtesten, weil alle Menschen dann "mitentscheiden" dürfen.

In my opinion, the people's congress system implemented by the Chinese government is the real democracy, and all the people at the grassroots level participate in politics.

In my country it would be great the true democracy and if it doesn’t works going back to monarchy but a good one, I think a constitutional, overall definitely not the Savoia’s family

Who needs democracy when everybody "votes" for their favorite dictator?!


Who needs democracy when everybody "votes" for their favorite dictator?!

I totally agree! The true democracy doesn’t exist anymore