Joining (or rejoining the EU)

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What would it take for Turkey to join the EU? Also, what would need to happen if the UK were ever to join the EU again?

Today was an embarrassing day for Turkey. I'm not going to go into detail but basically a famous museum that was originally a cathedral has just been turned into a mosque again, which I believe undermines our secularism/laicite. It's clear that under the current conservative government and that disrespectful president, Turkey neither can, nor should be able to join the EU. I'm from Turkey so that's my opinion about Turkey's possible entry, but I obviously can't say much about the UK.

Oh yeah, I heard about that actually, funnily enough only on Chinese TV. Is there a chance of having a democratic election where the president can be removed?

The local elections of last year showed there's hope but when it comes to an authoritarian country whose media coverage is heavily regulated by the government and where election rules are known to have changed during an election and the government can just repeat an election whose results they don't like (last year's Istanbul mayoral election, which thankfully backfired for them, but still), you can never be sure!

Die Türkei kann gerne eintreten, Hauptsache wir treten aus!

I agree with what qwertasdfg says, Turkey is undergoing some serious struggles right now. The prerequisites of joining the EU are clear (commonly known as Copenhagen Criteria) and Turkey doesn't fullfill any those criteria as of today. Yet, Turkey has prooven in the years of 2005 and 2006 that it is capable of performing incredible tasks in democratization and liberalization when it wants to. I think the right question to ask is, what future does Turkey want for itself as a nation and what does the EU want from Turkey? Is it full membership? Is it a bad neighborhood? Or is it something in between (what we currently already have tbh, the often quoted 'priviliged partnership').
If you think this through, I'd say nobody has an interest of having Turkey as an enemy in front your borders, so let's try to get Turkey finally into the club with all its benefits and duties that come along. I surely don't want the Russians, Saudis or Chinese reaching out for our neighbor.

Edited by istanblues .

I personally think that the UK shouldn’t have left the EU, and I don’t think it would be possible to rejoin.

I hope the UK will succeed to prove the world that there's life even after the EU. I don't like the self-perception of the EU as if there was no alternative. Even the democratic foundations is more than questionable.

Hello all, my personal oppinion: If UK wants to come back, please go ahead.
I think, that there are many issues in global politics that can be handled easier, if you have an overlaying institution like the EU. I appreciate, that we can travel freely (normally) and that the EU tries to dive into global, especially digital topics.
However, there are things we can still improve, more democracy regarding the European elections would be great in my mind.
Regarding turkey: Not only the country that want to join need to think about what they stand up for, also the EU itself needs to find some agreements on this. There are many critical topics, migration is only one of them, maybe the most urgent one. I would be interested in how the people from outside the union see the EU, do consider it to be strong, or do you think that it is inefficient or at least improvable?

Brexiteer all the way. The real 'UK' people want to retain their sovereignty and value, not had it over to some tyrannical political Juggernaut for undermining, corruption, corrosion and demarcation.
Anybody else wants the elite group of French, Germans and Dutch to continue bleeding the common UK individual of their independence. Either that, or they're a schill gambit.
Others have no clue and think it is only about freedom of movement which is naive and still others again have a vested interested in helping competing countries harm sovereignty from within.

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