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17, z Norwegia
March 07, 2020 17:43
March 07, 2020 17:43
Are you having special rules or tradions in you country i would like to know what and why.😉
Edytowane przez Annika2007 March 08, 2020 11:13 .
19, z Francja
October 24, 2020 21:11
October 24, 2020 21:11
Well... France hasn’t any special laws... Except during these difficult times
18, z Brazylia
Regularny użytkownik
February 15, 2021 22:41
February 15, 2021 22:41
Well, in 1984, we had a law that we couldn't eat watermelon (not in the entire country, it was in the region that I live)
19, z Francja
February 23, 2021 11:26
February 23, 2021 11:26
Well, in 1984, we had a law that we couldn't eat watermelon (not in the entire country, it was in the region that I live)
That must have made the farmers angry, I guess...
101, z Wyspa Bożego Narodzenia
March 23, 2021 10:10
March 23, 2021 10:10
Well... France hasn’t any special laws... Except during these difficult times
In France there is a special law. You are not allowed to call your pig "Napoleon".
19, z Francja
March 23, 2021 17:23
March 23, 2021 17:23
Well... France hasn’t any special laws... Except during these difficult times
In France there is a special law. You are not allowed to call your pig "Napoleon".
I'm french myself, and I didn't know it XD
(by the way, it is true)
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Ten temat był przez jakiś czas nieaktywny i jest teraz tylko do odczytu.