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27 años,
27 años, de Italia
July 07, 2011 20:52
July 07, 2011 20:52
I'm going to make a Hetalia cosplay and I'll be Russia.
I've bought nearly everything, but there still miss his coat.
If anyone can tell me a site that I can trust for shipping and payment, or maybe if there's somebody who wants to sell the coat ...
Well, please, answer soon.
Thanks, BlackOps.
28 años,
28 años, de Estados Unidos
July 08, 2011 03:04
July 08, 2011 03:04
Unfortunately, I'm not really sure...have you tried Ebay? That might be your best bet.
And good luck on your cosplay, I love Hetalia~ 😁
27 años,
27 años, de Italia
July 08, 2011 17:39
July 08, 2011 17:39
Thanks, I love Hetalia too xD
I tried Ebay, but I don't really like the prices ...
28 años,
28 años, de Estados Unidos
July 10, 2011 02:55
July 10, 2011 02:55
Yeah, some people charge a lot for cosplay...>3< I suppose this one is slightly less expensive than most I've found (But not by much...)
I will keep looking for you~
27 años,
27 años, de Italia
July 10, 2011 21:30
28 años,
28 años, de Estados Unidos
July 11, 2011 03:23
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