An unforgettable person in your life.

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Have you met someone somewhere that you will never forget? Why?

I've met some incredible persons through my work. (traffic jam that person had problems with time to deliver and was conpletely lost in city)

sometimes at places you would not think about it some smalltalk leads into that kind of situation.
At concerts school through letters or even through work or even in traffic jam.

you never know in morning time what this new day is keeping for everyone.

That war my granddad, he was great,and I miss him

My grandpa!!!

My best friend growing up. He’s gone now but I will always remember his laugh and how he helped me through some things in life. Rest In Peace, John.

My Grand farther

My mother of course, but also a guy from Cataluña I met long ago. We did parties, sang songs, faught with water in summer time, but he had an accident and died.

My Grandparents, both of them. The only person, which always supported me

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