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18 años,
18 años, de China
April 02, 2021 00:33
April 02, 2021 00:33
any home schoolers(teens)? (I am one, not because Covid)
Editado por blackantt April 02, 2021 04:54 .
21 años,
21 años, de India
April 02, 2021 04:50
April 02, 2021 04:50
U mean something like online classes or like home tuitions?
19 años,
19 años, de Alemania
April 02, 2021 13:13
April 02, 2021 13:13
Hey! I'm in homeschooling since too long time... I always sit at home in front of my PC, watching at video conferences and work for school. How is it there? Why then, when not because of Covid?
18 años,
18 años, de China
April 03, 2021 13:09
April 03, 2021 13:09
because I am learning French and Spanish at home. maybe we can inspire each other.
17 años,
17 años, de Alemania
April 04, 2021 11:14
April 04, 2021 11:14
We are already sitting at home for like three months now, it's annoying. Meetings, homework, that's all. At least everybody has the chance to join homeschooling with tablets which schools lend. Otherwise it would be really unfair. 😶
23 años,
23 años, de Estados Unidos
April 04, 2021 11:32
April 04, 2021 11:32
I have been home schooling for approximate a year, due to the covid.
21 años,
21 años, de Irán
April 07, 2021 05:34
April 07, 2021 05:34
Yes, I had a class until a month ago, but now I do not have a class and I have to study for my exams
17 años,
17 años, de Italia
April 07, 2021 14:17
April 07, 2021 14:17
I am in homeschooling😰😭 and I'm really sad, as I miss being with my classmates and my professors
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Este tema ha estado inactivo por un tiempo y ahora es de solo lectura.