What is your astrological sign is? English

Why visit your people so much?

Zodiac: Aquarius 🙂

Chinese: Monkey

Me taurus 🙂

Sagittarius and Snake 🙂

Sagittarius too ... 😃

zodiac: Leo! 🙂
chinese: i don't know, how can i check it?

Zodiac : leo
Chinese: (i don't know)

Zodiak => Lion
Chinese => doggy

Sagitarius and snake

Taurus and monkey lol

Zodiac :Scorpio
Chinese : Sheep 😃

Chinese: Goat

Zodiac : Virgo ( and my name means virginity 😁)
Chinese : Monkey

Zodiac: Aries
Chinese: Rooster

Universal sign : Sagittarius.
Chinese Zodiac : Horse.

I'm Libra!

Zodiac: Balance
Chinese: Sheep

Zodiac : Aries 😃

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