Paper letter

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My name is Clara and I am 15 years old.

I would like to have a pen pal. ( beetwen 13 to 16 years )
I would like to write paper letters.
What about you?

I´m very happy, if you write me!!

Best wishes


Hi, Clara! My name is Seraphima. I live in Russia, Uglich. My city is small, sweet and beautiful. I would like to write u a letter and to tell u about me. ))

Hello, Clara!!! I'm Victoria and I'm from Russia. I wiil so happy to write you a paper letter 🙂

Hello Clara! I'm just from Germany but I would like to write you a paper letter 😃

i am also in seach of a penpal who i could write paper letters with 😁
so if anyone is interested , just give me a sign 😃

Im Hendrika and im from the Netherlands. If anyone is interested in writing paper letters please leave a message!

i am also in seach of a penpal who i could write paper letters with 😁
so if anyone is interested , just give me a sign 😃
i am interested :clap

Hello! I am also interested.

Hi, I would also like to write paper letters! : )

I like exchanging paper letters too and I have done many times before. Let me know if anybody is interested. 🙂 Warm wishes from the festive season in India.

Hello! I am also interested.

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