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Translation into Sanskrit
35, from Russia
April 07, 2013 19:56
April 07, 2013 19:56
Can anybody help me to translate one sentence into Sanskrit?
33, from India
April 08, 2013 06:28
April 08, 2013 06:28
Privet!! I am Indian & I think I can help translate your sentence into Sanskrit.
35, from Russia
April 08, 2013 18:04
April 08, 2013 18:04
Are you study Russian? Can you translate from Russian "Все возможно, пока не сделан выбор"? Or may be you are more comfortable in English: "As long as you don't choose, everything remains possible". Thank you.
33, from India
April 09, 2013 13:18
April 09, 2013 13:18
I'm learning Russian, but I am a beginner. My Russian is very bad too. But I will try to translate your sentence to Sanskrit.
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