do u believe in god ? write here why?

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Very difficult to say... Maybe God is real, but I will ask you after my death! XD
Cosaque, what would You say for a bet?

If God and the afterlife exist, You own me a favor/five bucks.

If it isn't, I own You a favor or five bucks.

Of course, we will check it after our deaths ;P

I believe in god more than everything. nothing is coming just like that there is a big power more than it could be humain who creat us and the universe so yes i do maybe for many it's stupid but for me it's a certitude

I totally agree with French-touch. god was created by humans

I totally agree with French-touch. god was created by humans
oh really so who creat you???

I totally agree with French-touch. god was created by humans
oh really so who creat you???
I was created by my parents 🙂

I totally agree with French-touch. god was created by humans
oh really so who creat you???
I was created by my parents 🙂
ok so who creat your parents and the parents of your parents...... and adam and eve the earth the animals the whol worlds univers and everythigs?? hAVE YOU THE ASWER 🙂

I really don't know why poeple need to believe there's a god in this universe... Maybe to give a meaning to their life or to be less scared about the death. I think there's nothing more human than religions : why does god want women to be lower than men ? Why doesn't he want mens to use condoms? Why does he want to kills others men of others religions? All of this is human and not divine! This is only humans who created rules of religions =======> So I don't believe in god
God does give meaning to my life and to the universe, but that's not why I believe in Him. I agree that there's nothing more human than religions; religion is man's pathetic and futile attempt to reach God through works and deeds. But, who said God wants women to be lower than men? Did God say that, or did humans say that? Whoever said God doesn't want men to use condoms? Once again, did God say that? Last time I checked, condoms hadn't been invented when the Torah, Bible, Koran, or any other book of the category were written. Some people may say that, but it should not cause you to judge God for those peoples' misguided opinions who try to speak for God. Third, whoever said God wants us to kill people of other religions? Not God! God is a patient, merciful, and loving being. He has the authority to give and take life, but He did not give humans the authority to take the lives of their equals. You are right to say these things are human and not divine, but how do you know that?? Because in your heart you know there is something above human depravity, something perfect, that we all long for but try to reach with the wrong methods. Mankind is a fallen species, it is our nature to be evil, only by the Grace of God do we learn to overcome that evil with Love and Truth. Look to the Christ and you WILL see the Divine. Jesus of Nazareth never sinned, He led a perfect life as an example for all mankind and surrendered himself to death for the atonement of all of our sins. Three days later, his tomb was empty! He was resurrected from the dead and revealed himself to hundreds of witnesses before returning to heaven. His resurrection was the miracle that compelled his witnesses to devote their entire lives to Him, even to torture and DEATH! Why would they die for a lie? NO ONE DIES FOR SOMETHING THEY DON'T TRULY BELIEVE. And they truly saw Christ raised from the dead. Why would Jesus of Nazareth not recant his claim to be God to save his own life? If I had been telling everyone I was God but then was told that I would be tortured and killed if I didn't take it back, then I think I would take it back! Unless I was really God in the flesh come down to dwell among mankind on their level and show them the Way.

oh really so who creat you???
I was created by my parents 🙂
ok so who creat your parents and the parents of your parents...... and adam and eve the earth the animals the whol worlds univers and everythigs?? hAVE YOU THE ASWER 🙂
it is mother nature who has created or perhaps extraterrestrials 😛

Let's look at the two possibilities of Atheism and Theism (specifically, Monotheism). Most scientists agree that the evidence points towards the universe having a beginning at some point; that the universe has not existed infinitely. That's where the theory of the Big Bang comes in. There was once nothing, and in a "Big Bang" the universe exploded into existence. Many atheists believe in the Big Bang, I do as well. But suppose we are walking around outside and you hear a loud bang. You turn to me and ask, "What was that?" I reply, "A loud bang." You say, "Yes, but what caused it?" And I say "Nothing, it just happened." Would you believe me? Of course not, because this conclusion follows no logic. Everything that happens or has a beginning has a cause.

Monotheism is the most logical explanation for the origin of Life and the Universe. The Universe had a beginning and therefore was caused by something that existed before it. God, unlike the universe, has no beginning or end. God is infinite, He exists outside of time because He created time and infinitely existed before he created time. We are finite beings with finite lives and finite knowledge. Could we POSSIBLY be the most intelligent things in the universe?! Not only is that a scary thought, it is highly unlikely. There are SO many things that we as humans cannot even comprehend or begin to understand, yet we are so arrogant to thing we are the most superior or intelligent beings? You may say that its possible for there to be aliens with more understanding than us, and I agree, it is possible. But would they be the most intelligent? Would they understand everything? If they did, would that not make them gods? Humankind has proven its flawed state over and over again throughout history, so its not surprising that humans in out arrogance could think that we are the most powerful and most intelligent beings. "We are man! We answer to no one! Nothing could be smarter or stronger than us! We are at the top!" .... this attitude is a mark of humanity's blind arrogance.

Besides the existence of some sort of Creator God being the only logical explanation to the functioning universe, there is even greater evidence of Him existing as creator in Life. If the Big Bang happened randomly and chaotically, life would never have showed up! There would just be matter! Life is NOT easy to create. The possibility of all the building blocks of life to fall together in exactly the right way multiple times is statistically impossible. Life is VERY complex. For DNA to have accidentally been written and even single celled life-forms to have been created would be like a bunch of letters "accidentally" forming entire sentences that formed an entire story with a beginning, moving plot, and end. Books have authors, so does life. I think the idea of life happening by itself is a misunderstanding of the complexity of life. Evidence from biology and chemistry show us how even the smallest single celled organisms are so complex that them forming in the first place is a miracle in itself, just because it is so unlikely. It would be about as likely as a blind man searching the Sahara desert for a pre-marked grain of sand and successfully find it, twice. The conditions for life to exist are on a razor's edge too. If the Earth were one degree closer to the sun all life on the planet were burn up and die, if we were one degree further from the sun we would freeze.

I hope this has caused everyone to think about things a little more deeply.

For better information read books such as "Darwin's Black Box" and "The Case for a Creator." There are plenty of other books on the subject obviously, I just can't think of any more right now.

jessesnow i'm totaly agree with you :yes :clap you give them (who don't blieve in god) the evidence of his existence

I do belive in God. He is the one who created us , all the animals and the nature. Now I'm reading the Bible to find out more and more about the people who lived before us, about their style of life and about their conection with God. I also want to know what is good to do and what isn't. In the last chapter , in Bible, are the signs of the end of the world. I know is close, but no one can say when is gonna be.. Is better if we have a conection with God and if we pray. He can really help us! Also we need to go to church. I don't like the that my religion have.. but it doesn't matter what church do you go so I don't go there, I go to other.. I think that the ones that don't belive in God have to.. think better and try to find more about God. Then they will understand.
Sorry for my grammatical mistakes..

*I don't like the church that my religion has

religion = sect <======= this is my point of view but I respect you 😉 and It's easy to create a false god, also the first men have created their gods

Edited by Damnation .

why argue with people about it? you're not going to change anyones mind. so just leave it alone.
everyone has their own opinion, just let it go. Lol.

ps: i do believe in god 😛

yes you're right

Haha. Well thank you.


oh really so who creat you???
I was created by my parents 🙂
ok so who creat your parents and the parents of your parents...... and adam and eve the earth the animals the whol worlds univers and everythigs?? hAVE YOU THE ASWER 🙂
I have an answer. With evolution duration, we can follow our existence until first anaerobic microorganism. Then, with Miller-Urey Experiment, we can go until 4,5 billions years ago(Until start of Earth). Then, we see Big Bang before all. Will you ask who created Big Bang? I don't know it still, but it doesn't matter.

I told these things in this forum, but I repeat now. Think about Ancient Age's Gods. Think the Zeus, the most famous of them. Ancient Greeks thought that all of meteorologic events were created by him. Because they didn't understand why there were thunders, rains, snowings, rainbows and etc. So they wanted to "create" a "solution". So, first God were borned. Yes, that's it, people made Gods to make solutions. Szarah, you make that too... Today we know there are scientific explanations about rains or others.

For example, we don't know what reason of Big Bang was. So you "create" a God for a fake explanation. This is a way of self-satisfaction. We don't know before of Big Bang for now, but maybe we will find the answers on next century. So, as Zeus's doom, today's Gods will also disappear one day. This point has happened since first men. Gods changed and disappeared by time. It's not important that if we have answer or not. Finding solution isn't necessary just "now". Science is a duration...

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