Regioni italiane Italiano

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I don't remember if @Etienne was in Italy

I don't remember if @Etienne was in Italy

If I've ever been to Italy? Once, when I was 15. Would love to go again though

If I've ever been to Italy? Once, when I was 15. Would love to go again though

Rome. Beautiful but too busy for me, especially now that I've gotten older 😛

Rome. Beautiful but too busy for me, especially now that I've gotten older 😛

I feel like I need more space/quiet/nature than when I was a teenager ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Capoluoghi di regione. Li conoscete tutti?

Capoluogo della Sicilia?


Rome. Beautiful but too busy for me, especially now that I've gotten older 😛

I will take you and @Pennarossa2024 a time to Shanghai and take the subway during busy times!! 😛

I will take you and @Pennarossa2024 a time to Shanghai and take the subway during busy times!! 😛

I would love to discover Asia. I will go one day!

I would love to discover Asia. I will go one day!

ufficialmente: Palermo, ma il capoluogo secreto della Sicilia è Catania 🙂 Cambiamo il gioco: Campobasso è il capoluogo di quale regione italiana? 🙂

Molise 😁


Molise 😁
Campobasso 👀