An issue with messages Zgłoś problem techniczny

I noticed I something cannot view a received message, although I do receive an email notification warning me that person has just answered me, but when I open the conversation, I can only view my last message and not his/hers.


Same problem here. I get an email notification that I have received a message but when I click on, message it will not show me the message.

Same problem here. I get an email notification that I have received a message but when I click on, message it will not show me the message.
Hello, have you tried switching browsers maybe? I couldn't find anything wrong with your account.

Hello, I can not locate the message archive. There is no button for it as it was before.

Hello, I can not locate the message archive. There is no button for it as it was before.

Tap your message (or move your mouse over it if you're using a computer) and a trash can icon will show on its side.

Hallo! Ich finde leider keinen Button / Link, um Gespräche in den Nachrichten zu löschen. Könntet ihr das möglich machen?