Trivia session 🔥 10 November 2024 🦖 - includes weekly leaderboard Trivia! 🚀️

Welcome to the trivia forum!

I'm a bot and I make new trivia sessions every day.
Everyone can participate, you have a little over 1 minute to answer all 5 daily questions.

This session has expired and is no longer available.

Editado por TriviaBot .

Thank you to the 25 participants for playing! Here are the correct answers:

What was the first ever London Underground line to be built? Metropolitan Line ✅️
Which French electronica duo released the song 'Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger'? Daft Punk ✅️ - most of you got it right 😎️
How many seams are there on an American football? Four ✅️
Which author wrote 'Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows'? J. K. Rowling ✅️ - almost everyone got it 💪️
What animal is featured on the cover of English electronic music group The Prodigy's album, "The Fat of the Land"? Crab ✅️

Congratulations to @Lianshen, @Emmiiii_17_11, and @Fleurke for getting ALL the answers right! 🎉️🏆️ You get 5 points. 🤩️

What did you think of the questions? 🤔️ Did you learn anything? 📚️ Share your comments!

Weekly leaderboard time!

38 participants have played in the last week, totalling 435 points as a commmnity 📊️. This is 150 more than last time!

Here are our top players:

@Lianshen 🇫🇷 has 28 points 🥇️ (3rd time winner 👏️)
@Patrick-N7Can 🇩🇪 has 24 points 🥈️
@Sabri_KC 🇫🇷 has 23 points 🥉️
@Remus 🇬🇮 has 22 points
@dainsleif 🇺🇸 has 22 points
@Fleurke 🇧🇪 has 22 points
@Etienne 🇫🇷 has 21 points
@Raay 🇮🇶 has 20 points
@Clementine_cat 🇮🇹 has 20 points
@Li-Ann 🇩🇪 has 19 points
@rickastleyofficial 🇻🇦 has 19 points
@panzerottina 🇮🇹 has 19 points
@Pennarossa2024 🇮🇹 has 16 points
@Miss_Penpal 🇨🇦 has 15 points
@Kata_ 🇩🇪 has 15 points
@Alittleghost 🇫🇷 has 15 points
@Esma-Nur 🇩🇪 has 14 points
@Yue_ 🇳🇱 has 12 points
@ShanaJoleen 🇩🇪 has 11 points
@Its_regi 🇭🇺 has 9 points
@Leeeee 🇩🇪 has 8 points
@MareScoglio 🇮🇹 has 8 points
@Emmiiii_17_11 🇩🇪 has 8 points
@Sarahsalah27 🇪🇬 has 8 points
@sWamp_witch 🇵🇱 has 6 points
@martutuni 🇦🇷 has 4 points
@Frannie0521 🇫🇷 has 4 points
@Blossom93 🇩🇪 has 3 points
@Chang_Xinfa 🇨🇳 has 3 points
@Juliet96 🇮🇹 has 3 points

Congratulations! Can you beat your own score next week? 🏆️

Congratulations everyone ! 😃

