Bizarre Age Search Restriction

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I'm almost 50, and find my age search starting at 31 - the weird site suggestion being that NO ONE on the entire planet aged less than 31 is EVER going to want to talk to a disgusting old 50 YEAR OLD.

I can assure you from very much my own experience and from others I know too, this is very much not the case. You can have a myriad of different needs from people of all ages, they aren't all sexual or romantic. I find it fairly ignorant of a site to think otherwise. This is especially acute when you're far better at making friends online than you are offline.

It'd be nice to have a penpal site that better reflects this. I know you're doing it because you think you're "protecting" people. But you wouldn't be the catalyst for anything harmful if you were to reduce the starting age that almost dead 50 year olds like me are permitted to search for!

Die Angst ist halt groß Sie könnten ein Mädchen anbaggern. Viele Damen beschweren sich über Flirtversuche der Herren. Doch dafür gibt es eigentlich das Strafgesetzbuch welches eine Kontaktaufnahme zu minderjährigen Mädchen verbietet. Alle Konversationen von Erwachsenen sollten durch die Redaktion dieses Protales eigentlich nicht limitiert werden.

Un'amicizia di penna non ha età, io 10 anni fa ho scritto per un anno con una ragazza di Caserta che aveva la metà dei miei anni, ne avevo 51 a quei tempi, si parlava del più e del meno, non avevo secondi fini, poteva essere mia figlia