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najnowsze wiadomości
18, z Indie
February 08, 2021 03:35
February 08, 2021 03:35
What's your favourite genre in music, and your favourite singers?
Mine is Pop. And my favourite singer is Taylor Swift, Ed Sheeran, Justin Bieber, Imagine Dragons and many more! What about you?
20, z Stany Zjednoczone
February 26, 2021 16:17
February 26, 2021 16:17
My favorite genre is pop or alternative.
My favorite singer is Lil Peep, Meghan Thee Stallion, and a lot more🙂
23, z Belgia
February 26, 2021 22:14
19, z Stany Zjednoczone
February 26, 2021 22:31
February 26, 2021 22:31
I like almost all music, my favourite band is Panic! At The Disco✨
25, z Meksyk
Regularny użytkownik
February 27, 2021 02:25
February 27, 2021 02:25
I love music in general. But I enjoy listening to electronic music, I like to dance, jump and feel the rhythms. I also love alternative and indie rock. My favorite dj's are disclosure and Kygo. Zoé is my favorite mexican group 🙂
19, z Stany Zjednoczone
March 04, 2021 04:37
March 04, 2021 04:37
I'm into different types of music! Some of my favorite singers/bands are ariana grande, ricky montgomery, mother mother, and taylor swift
Strona 1 z 1
najnowsze wiadomości
Ten temat był przez jakiś czas nieaktywny i jest teraz tylko do odczytu.