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derniers messages
30 ans,
30 ans, de Belgique
July 15, 2020 19:33
July 15, 2020 19:33
If you had the opportunity, with supernatural powers or skills, would you be a SuperVillain (using your power for your interest, no matter the damages) or a SuperHero (defending the good no matter the risk) ?
32 ans,
32 ans, de Allemagne
July 16, 2020 07:19
July 16, 2020 07:19
I would probably end up being a villain even if I´d try being a hero
31 ans,
31 ans, de France
December 12, 2020 23:18
December 12, 2020 23:18
That's so manichean ! I can't really answer this question Maybe I'll be a super heroe in some people's point of view and a supervillain for others.
45 ans,
45 ans, de Turquie
December 13, 2020 02:20
December 13, 2020 02:20
I would probably become a SuperVillain just because they dress up theirself in a fancier or charismatical way. Leggings and cloaks are not the cup of my tea at all.
49 ans,
49 ans, de Allemagne
December 13, 2020 10:02
December 13, 2020 10:02
I'd become the girlfriend of both the superhero and the villain.
20 ans,
20 ans, de Sri Lanka
January 11, 2021 02:37
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