What are you reading at the moment?

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I'm reading crescent city by sarah j. Maas. It's really good!

Spookschrijvers (Henk Hardeman)

I'm reading "The power of the action" - Paulo Vieira. Is a Brazilian Book.

I'm re-reading "The Catcher in The Rye" for the third time now !
LMAO if this isn't me

I read "Young Sherlock Holmes"

I’m making jewellery from perler beads now 😄

tell me three things by Julie Buxbaum. A must, I ttlly recommand😁

I´m reading
"Book of blood" book 2 for Clive Barker

Winter In Madrid by J.C. Samson! I really recommend it, it's all about spies and intricate stories in Spain during ww2 period.. great book!

Resurrection by Leo Tolstoy

what is it about? it sounds interesting

I'm currently reading "Everything's Eventual" by Stephen King.

Sleeping Beauties by Stephen and Owen King, I cannot bear the sight of moths any longer!

"who will cry when you die"

C'est la Vie! Wonderful world of Sempé. Written in pictures🙂

I'm reading "Nesmrtelnost" by Milan Kundera

Good Omens by Sir Terry Pratchett and Neil Gaiman. If your up for a good laugh and high fantasy stories I highly recommend pratchetts discworld novels!
I totally agree with you!! I love both authors. Neil Gaiman creates much darker world than Pratchett though but full of poetry.

I just finished reading Jane Eyre; now I am reading Crime and Punishment.

Any suggestions for the next one?

At the moment I'm reading "Clanlands" by Sam Heughan and Graham McTavish. It's really interesting, and funny.

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