What's your favorite kind of movie? Film, musica, TV

I love science fiction!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yeah, I like Science Fiction too. But I also like Action and Fantasy and even some Thrillers if they're good😊

Dystopian/Utopian society based films

Anything by Tim Burton

I like romantic movies, with some adventure, a bit of fantasy. I also like musical movies and anime.

I like comedy and action movies, but I like musical movies too

I love war movies. I think war is an interesting subject and I really appreciate talking about it and learning about it. It's very interesting to see the humankind at its lowest and how these men thought and how they survived.
To me, it is also interesting to see the director's p.o.vs of these conflicts. How they perceive them and what they want to show us. For exemple Oliver Stone with Platoon wanted to show us that nature is the enemy of the soldiers but also the highway to hell of the soldiers because of that...

Then, I love romantic movies, musicals, romcoms, action movies and a lot of stuff haha!