Horror tv shows

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Guys please recommend me some horror shows,mysterious and creepy ones I’ve watched 2 shows with ghosts “the haunting of bly manor” and “the haunting of the hill house” (they were good)

I'd recommend you "The Fall of the House of Usher" and "Guillermo Toro's Cabinet of Curiouities."

I will watch that too...

do horror movies count? I'm a big fan of horror fictions and movies. I was lately recommended A Serbian Film (this is the name )and Skinford: Death Sentence. I think it worth a try 👾

oh btw no ghost but sanguinary

Edited by raccoon1577 .

do horror movies count? I'm a big fan of horror fictions and movies. I was lately recommended A Serbian Film (this is the name )and Skinford: Death Sentence. I think it worth a try 👾

oh btw no ghost but sanguinary

A Serbian Movie is a perveted porn movie

A Serbian Movie is a perveted porn movie

yeah that's my type,perverted or sanguinary.

does it sound like I'm a perv(⊙o⊙) I would say I just watch them and try to find out something scary to me,but most didn't scare me and it has nothing to do with my sense of value🥺

A Serbian Movie is a perveted porn movie

I wish it was just a perverted porn movie. Instead it was a mirror reflecting towards the perverted society. Most disgusting form of horror. I'd not watch it second time ever.