Photo game Spellen

Name a random number and I will tell you the story behind this photo in my album.
At the same time, I also welcome everyone to take the initiative to share the story behind this photo in your album.


The thirteenth picture is the address of my university.

But that's a short story, then let's try something different 22

A picture of me in a dress. This is the first dress I bought after I cut my hair short.This dress looks really beautiful. It was the first time I wore it on the day of the photo shoot. I went out to buy food in this dress that night.




is @Zimreta still active on ppg?

is @Zimreta still active on ppg?
I dont know...sometimes I read her in a forum.

I dont know...sometimes I read her in a forum.
its weird......

Lol I still check the messages from time to time but I seldom go to the chat room now bcz I'm busy recently. Maybe when it's winter vacation then I'll be more active🤗😜


A screenshot. I gonna have a new classmate.She was transferred from another major.

This is a passage I want to use to encourage my friend.无数人忽略了一个真相,那就是很多事情不需要有意义,吃喝玩乐不等于虚度光阴,吃苦耐劳也不等于意义非凡,当你焦虑内耗时,请一定记得,人生只是各种体验的叠加,只要你想,你就可以去做那些看似无意义的事,比如发呆,看日出,数星星,你的体验就是最大的意义。人生并不是一定要去做大家世俗认为有意义的事,意义是自己赐予的。人生是旷野不是轨道,只要当下你是享受的就是有意义的。The translation:Countless people ignore the truth that many things don't need to be meaningful. Eating, drinking, and having fun doesn't mean wasting your time, and being hard-working doesn't mean being extraordinary. When you spend time in anxiety, please remember that life is just the superposition of various experiences. As long as you want, you can do those seemingly meaningless things, such as staring blankly, watching the sunrise and counting the stars. Your experience is the greatest meaning. Life doesn't have to do what people think is meaningful, meaning is given by themselves. Life is a wilderness, not a track. It is meaningful as long as you enjoy it now.

Nothing special,I took a selfie in my new hoodie.


My funny selfie's a blue jelly.🤪