Pokemon pet?

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If you could pick one Pokemon to have as a pet in real life, what would it be, what would you want it's nature to be, and what would you name it?

Indonesien know...

Wooloo (the sheep pokemon)


There's nothing as cute as dratini

If you could pick one Pokemon to have as a pet in real life, what would it be, what would you want it's nature to be, and what would you name it?

OMG, that's really difficult... a really cute, intelligent, kinda stubborn and super fluffy Pikachu. xD


There's nothing as cute as dratini

Great answer, dragons are the best. ❤️

i like many pokèmon! i love emolga 💟

Hard to choose, cause I have many favourite Pokémon, but I pick a Volcarona. Shiny, or not - that doesn't matter for me.

As a child I had loved Pikachu much! But Dratini is also lovely. In Pokémon Go Dragoran is my Buddy the most time ❤️ But I generally don't give names to the Pokémon. I've never done that. Why I don't know 🤷🏼

Pikachu is my favorite Pokemon, If I can catch them, I will take him to my school, And use them to kill our headmaster

Probably a fine boii like Hoppip or Marill or Mimikyu

I'm happy with my two cats, but if I didn't already have them as pets I would like to befriend an alolan ninetales, preferably shiny but it doesn't HAVE to be. They're always pretty anyway ❤️

For the personality, I don't really care as long as it's not a total narcissistic jerk to everyone, but it's always great when a cute animal is trusting and cuddly (as long as it's not emotionally dependant, because that just makes me too sad when I can't or don't have time to give attention)

If it's a female, her name would be either Crystal or Aurora. If it's a male, his name would be either Winter or Shiro.