[center][color=Red][b]Look at the photo and guess who it is! big_smile [/b] [/color]
[color=Red]1. [/color] Post a photo with [color=Blue]preview[/color] (because real size photos are loading slowly)
Use http://www.imageshack.us/ (link called Thumbnail for forums (1))
[color=Red]2.[/color] Write only profession of this person (actor, musician, painter,writer etc)
[color=Red]3. [/color] Other people guess his/her name (1 attempt in 1 message, next attempt only after author said you were incorrect)
[color=Red]4.[/color] The one who guessed takes the turn and uploads another pic to guess.[/b]
She's a musician
[url=http://img136.imageshack.us/i/87422065.jpg/][img]http://img136.imageshack.us/img136/3807/87422065.th.jpg[/img][/url] [/center]