which is your favorite flower

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🌻🌼🌷⚘️🏵🌹🥀🌺💐WHICH IS YOUR FAVORITE FLOWER🌷⚘️💮🌸🌼🌻🌹🏵🥀🌺

Chamomiles <33333

Chamomiles <33333
I like it also hhh i used it for wash my blond hair hhhh

WOW okay

I love it LITREALLY LOVE and if someone buys me flowers: CHAMOMILES ON TOP!

my fav flowers are flowers that given by my bf 😬🥰😂💓

my fav flowers are flowers that given by my bf 😬🥰😂💓
Enjoy it 🌷⚘️💐


una penna rossa non è un fiore a red pen is not a (email hidden) 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🙈

Iris o lily, the simbol of Florence

Iris o lily, the simbol of Florence
Il Giglio di Firenze 👍


Iris o lily, the simbol of Florence
Waaauw my mother also love this flower

I love roses mostly 😊🌹

I love roses mostly 😊🌹

I love roses mostly 😊🌹
Which color yiu like the most @Kiki

Which color yiu like the most @Kiki

Which color yiu like the most @Kiki
Red ones are beautifull 🌹😊