Love and hate

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Love and hate are so close together, they say. How does it happen that someone you cared about so much suddenly turns into a person you no longer know. How come people cheat on each other? and what about lying, do you think a white lie is possible or is lying completely unacceptable? I look forward to your answer

White lie is FOR ME possible and acceptable

White lie is FOR ME possible and acceptable
Thanks for youre opinion i untherstand you 😉but lie is haram 😊😉(Sorry I had to add that because I am your aunt) 😅🤣

Thanks for youre opinion i untherstand you 😉but lie is haram 😊😉(Sorry I had to add that because I am your aunt) 😅🤣
I know but i would now say a little lie is not a big deal

Cause Right now I am a bit yk yk and I will say in the future if I am alive that no matters which lie is Haram and not good!

It simply reminds me Catullus 85: "Ōdī et amō. Quārē id faciam, fortasse requīris. Nesciŏ, sed fierī sentiō et excrucior." - "I hate and I love. Why I do this, perhaps you ask. I do not know, but I feel it being done and I am tormented."

We don't love lies but we hate naked truth as well. This is the paradox serving us the pain.

It simply reminds me Catullus 85: "Ōdī et amō. Quārē id faciam, fortasse requīris. Nesciŏ, sed fierī sentiō et excrucior." - "I hate and I love. Why I do this, perhaps you ask. I do not know, but I feel it being done and I am tormented."

We don't love lies but we hate naked truth as well. This is the paradox serving us the pain.


If we plan a special thing for somebody like a surprise, i will not tell it of course even if asked about it. It would ruin everything. So sometimes I think lies are not bad and there are of course other examples.

But if you lie that it can hurt other people or only that you get better from it, I think it is not good and you get maybe bad karma too even though i dont believe in fate but i do believe in karma. And it is shaming your family too we believe if you lie in a bad way. That is just our opinion and culture. ✨ ✨

Hate is one of strong emotions in the 5 phases of grief (denial phase), and feelings of hate arise from anger (actually disappointment in disguise) that is not repaired, treated, and instead gets worse.

and disappointment will not be present without feelings of love. although love is not always about romance with the opposite sex. but it can also be for friends, parents and idols. disappointed appeared with lot of reasons and factors, but it has nothing to do with cheating.

lie & cheating is different and not in that phase (the phase has nothing to do and never leads this way) The perpetrator is truly aware and knows the consequences, and the answers given are actually just manipulation. well, some of them who a cheater will be using reason like example they feel disappointed with their partner, or using their mental disability as their alliby

actually, using that reason to lie to cheat, it has the same logic as hitting someone when you're angry, does it solve the problem? no. only make it even worse

after all, that's why people can hate someone they love in a short time. or vice versa. but its so easy to change people who hate you to love you, simply, give them a hug or compliment. cause hate with being psycho are diff hahaha

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