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What do you think about Ghosting? I never didt that to someone and today its my first time somebody do that to me without any reason and really it feels uncomfortable and its disrespectful

Édité par Fleurke .
What do you think about Ghosting? I never didt that to someone and today its my first rime somebody do that to me without any reason and really it feels uncomfortable and respectvol .
It's happened to me many times on this site too. It always happens to me with Italians. They disappear immediately (besides those who don't respond). It also happened to me a few days ago with an Italian. He disappeared during a conversation. I decided to only talk to people I met on the forum. I'm not looking for other people.

It's happened to me many times on this site too. It always happens to me with Italians. They disappear immediately (besides those who don't respond). It also happened to me a few days ago with an Italian. He disappeared during a conversation. I decided to only talk to people I met on the forum. I'm not looking for other people.
Thank you for your opinion i decide also just to talk with people from forum but its disrespectful

I agree with you if you feel/know there's a same level and terms to the conversation or relationship you trying to build right? 😕
I mean if you have fun with somehow and it's readable or sensible that you have agreement or equal terms, then being ghosted is the last thing that should happen yeah.. Unless Uncomfortable stuff occures ofcourse... 👀🤨

I wrote greetings to many Italians, especially new members. No response

I wrote greetings to many Italians, especially new members. No response
I'm sorry to hear that happend... 😕

I agree with you if you feel/know there's a same level and terms to the conversation or relationship you trying to build right? 😕
I mean if you have fun with somehow and it's readable or sensible that you have agreement or equal terms, then being ghosted is the last thing that should happen yeah.. Unless Uncomfortable stuff occures ofcourse... 👀🤨
Thanks for you're opinion and yes thats true you tell a person things and then boum

I wrote greetings to many Italians, especially new members. No response
So sad i dont untherstand people like that im glad we on forum are not like that we have our games here on forum with @Unknown and you and @Yue and nur

Édité par Fleurke .
Thanks for you're opinion and yes thats true you tell a person things and then boum
Yeaaah... It's not only frustrating but can be disencouraging you attempting New Contacts or trying to make New "friends" or even starting conversations!

That's why I never commit fully on making "friends",
Not that I'm a ghoster... 😅 But I prefer being on my own most of the times with no strings attached.. But I am the type person... that if you need me.. I'll drop everything to be there! 🌼

So sad i dont untherstand peoole like that im glad we on forum are not like that we have our games here on forum with @Unknown and you and @Yue and nur

So sad i dont untherstand peoole like that im glad we on forum are not like that we have our games here on forum with @Unknown and you and @Yue and nur
Exactly! Have fun with it, We'll make fun with it and whatever May happends? Let it happen!
As long everything is on Good and Comfortable Turns! 🥳😁👍🏻 You're a Party on 2 Legs Fleurke! 🥳🤭😁

Who chats with many people perfectly knows how many times it happens: from the beginning, or after a certain amount of time, people just get tired and stop answering for different reasons (i admit, sometimes i do the same); but not only online, it also happens with people you know in real life, so nothing new, i think it happened at least a hundred of times to me

Who chats with many people perfectly knows how many times it happens: from the beginning, or after a certain amount of time, people just get tired and stop answering for different reasons (i admit, sometimes i do the same); but not only online, it also happens with people you know in real life, so nothing new, i think it happened at least a hundred of times to me
Thanks for your opinion i never did that and will never do that if im not interest in someone i say that because im not here to date someone

So sad i dont untherstand people like that im glad we on forum are not like that we have our games here on forum with @Unknown and you and @Yue and nur
And Vatican boy! 😀😁

Hello everybody! 🙋‍♀️ Sorry that i have not posted anything yet on the forum but i just got home! I have to eat first but will be online later too! 🙂 Have a nice evening everybody (and @Pennarossa2024 I like your new profile photo A LOTTTT)!! 🙂 ❤️❤️

Hello everybody! 🙋‍♀️ Sorry that i have not posted anything yet on the forum but i just got home! I have to eat first but will be online later too! 🙂 Have a nice evening everybody (and @Pennarossa2024 I like your new profile photo A LOTTTT)!! 🙂 ❤️❤️
Yue is the forum president 👍

Yue is the forum president 👍
Thats 100% true 👌bravo @Yue

👍 Yue is super