Let's share one thing that people in your country do most often (?

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I want to know more interesting things in other countries🤩……
Welcome to share!!! 😃





in Germany Collecting deposit bottles found on the street and get money for that!

in Germany Collecting deposit bottles found on the street and get money for that!
hey that's cool

hey that's cool
it is ok cause sometimes ppl go in deanger for just 25, -€ i k that an be a lot but going into nettel 🙁 i wouldnt do that and actually i m doing that with collecting those bottles too cause then i can add some money on my pocket money!

in Germany Collecting deposit bottles found on the street and get money for that!
wow,that is interesting👀🤓

wow,that is interesting👀🤓
but also a bit strange 😅🤣

in turkey the strangest shit is that ppl whach u from their windows and thy also think that ppl whach them so we always close our curtains and we have extra covering curtains so it is darker inside and soone can see anything. and the ppl in turkey talk abt u always. And ppl go and discuss with ppl from everywhere (markets, weekly markets, jewlerystore andd oall the other places where u can buy something) we discuss it till the person in front of u says ok (like i m buying a gold ring it costs 1400€ and we try to make it to 1000€ and mostly u give 1200€) And we go todifferent stores and ask howmuch something costs to see the difference and buy mostly the ceapste of them 😂😅

but also a bit strange 😅🤣
but emm…maybe I'll try it someday😜

but emm…maybe I'll try it someday😜
maybe 🙂

In Italy? lots of gossip🤫😁

Well, here in spain i guess its mostly when your trying to buy something, theywill only reply for 1 a 5% of the messages.....

Well, here in spain i guess its mostly when your trying to buy something, theywill only reply for 1 a 5% of the messages.....

In Italy? lots of gossip🤫😁
wow,someday I'll go to Italy……😈

yeah, you could say that; cuz these low replys are not handy at all..... :/

in Germany Collecting deposit bottles found on the street and get money for that!
Yes that’s true most people without home collecting them for money