Three tiny little advice for this website

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1. Maybe having the ability to block certain forums would be better because it’s always annoying to see those forums that you are not interested in or feel disgusted. I honestly think there will be fewer arguments if we can just block the forums that we dislike.
2. I think if I blocked someone, it might be better if I don’t have to see that person in forums and chatrooms. Another way to avoid more arguments.
3. I hope that I can be able to create chatrooms by myself with a group of people who have same interests so that we can discuss freely and others who are not in the room can’t see us.

Just a few thoughts of mine, love everyone on this website ❤️

1 just unscribe the topic
2 i agree
3 i agree

1 just unscribe the topic
2 i agree
3 i agree
Thxx I didn’t know that I could unsubscribe the forums!

Yes unsubscribing is probably your best bet. As for private conversations with multiple people, it would be a nice feature to have but would require a very significant amount of work to implement so isn't planned anytime soon.

Yes unsubscribing is probably your best bet. As for private conversations with multiple people, it would be a nice feature to have but would require a very significant amount of work to implement so isn't planned anytime soon.
okayy thx for replying anyway!

Yes unsubscribing is probably your best bet. As for private conversations with multiple people, it would be a nice feature to have but would require a very significant amount of work to implement so isn't planned anytime soon.
love you and this website you founded ❤️

Yes unsubscribing is probably your best bet. As for private conversations with multiple people, it would be a nice feature to have but would require a very significant amount of work to implement so isn't planned anytime soon.
you pay money for changing things on this site???? is that why we have to support? i thought you could just change what ever you want in the settings.

you pay money for changing things on this site???? is that why we have to support? i thought you could just change what ever you want in the settings.

The site needs money to run yes, to pay for servers. Then every feature was made from scratch. It has taken thousands of hours of work to build this site, and counting. There are no magic settings to enable multi user private conversations, just like you don't have a button in your life to spawn money in your bank account 🤓

The site needs money to run yes, to pay for servers. Then every feature was made from scratch. It has taken thousands of hours of work to build this site, and counting. There are no magic settings to enable multi user private conversations, just like you don't have a button in your life to spawn money in your bank account 🤓
Yeah, your right 🙂