the big differences bitween k pop and folk music

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do you know this big difference? i can hear it 🙂

I think often kpop sounds more complex, and generally the arrangements are gorgeous and layered.(This does not mean that kpop is better than folk music.) folk music generally does not have complex electronic synthesizers and rough drums, and the tunes are simple and the overall tone is softer.

Édité par nmddbn .

Here's some information I've collected
Folk music often reflects the history, culture, beliefs, and sensibilities of the people or community. Folk music usually has simple, plain tunes and uses simple instruments, such as guitars and harmonicas. Its lyrics are usually composed of folk poetry or colloquial lyrics.

K-pop music usually incorporates a variety of musical elements, including electronic music, hip-hop, and dance pop, and is characterized by bright rhythms and moving melodies, often accompanied by choreographed dances.

exactly! very good! 🙂. Your actually telling it in an other way then i would do it, but its the exact reason why i like folk music so much 🙂