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Parsa and Roseee Anything and everything

Why do you care about me and parsa so much? You are a 54yr man and you know nothing about me,shut up.
Me and parsa had our problems and fixed everything,do you want to see the chats? Unblock me then.

What’s bothering so much to you about me? What did i do? I don’t understand…

Time to stop it, all is well between them again. So No comments in this forum. Etienne can lock it otherwise.

Parsa,you did the same thing to me. Chris got upset (of course,it’s normal) because you saw our private conversations all the time(you logged in very very often),so we decided to change my password.
Don’t make me look like the bad person when you did exactly the same.
I already said sorry to lorenzo and texted etienne that this “password exchanging” thing is over and that i’m sorry.
Sorry again,this is not going to happen anymore.
how can we trust you?

how can we trust you?
This argument was already closed hours ago. It’s between me and parsa. Why are you writing here? You don’t know what happened. Stop

This argument was already closed hours ago. It’s between me and parsa. Why are you writing here? You don’t know what happened. Stop
Non è tra te e Parsa. E tra te e tutte le persone che scrivevano a Parsa e tu leggevi conversazioni private. Questo è il problema. Ma siete due bambini immaturi. Non capite nemmeno gli errori che avete fatto. Mancanza di rispetto, mancanza di privacy.

This topic sucks

This topic sucks

I find this topic educational. That's how life goes. Exactly. We don't think it's any different with adults. Subterfuge and deception exist at all ages and on all continents. This is our nature (as close relatives of the cunning apes). Can it be improved? In millions of years?

I find this topic educational. That's how life goes. Exactly. We don't think it's any different with adults. Subterfuge and deception exist at all ages and on all continents. This is our nature (as close relatives of the cunning apes). Can it be improved? In millions of years?
Purtroppo i furbi se la cavano sempre

Purtroppo i furbi se la cavano sempre

La fine è uguale per tutti i viventi. Consoliamoci con questa giustizia naturale. Né i buoni né i cattivi possono farla franca.

The end is the same for all living beings. Let us console ourselves with this natural justice. Neither the good nor the bad can get away with it.

Le tribù di nativi americani si scannavano tra loro prima che arrivassero degli altri a scannarli.

Native American tribes slaughtered each other before others came along to slaughter them.

Non è tra te e Parsa. E tra te e tutte le persone che scrivevano a Parsa e tu leggevi conversazioni private. Questo è il problema. Ma siete due bambini immaturi. Non capite nemmeno gli errori che avete fatto. Mancanza di rispetto, mancanza di privacy.
You are blaming me but parsa did the same to me weeks ago,then chris got upset because of it and i changed the password. Of course,i said sorry to him.
Can we stop now? I also tried talking to you but you won’t listen to me. I tried to say sorry to you and everything but you are not acting like an adult.
Now please leave me alone,I already have anxiety,i don’t need other bad things.
I don’t know what to do besides saying sorry. What do you want me to do? Kill myself? Burn myself?
I also said sorry to etienne. The real problem is that you called a 15yr old girl “half naked depressed”.

You called me like that without knowing anything about me. Shame on you.

Again: sorry to etienne and everyone.

You called me like that without knowing anything about me. Shame on you.

Again: sorry to etienne and everyone.

ho aperto questo forum per vedere se riuscivate a capire gli errori che avevate commesso ma non ci riuscite. dato che tu hai letto tutte le conversazioni private di Parsa, ti invito a leggere meglio, per quanto riguarda le ragazze poco vestite e depresse perché mi riferivo a molte ragazze europee. Parsa ha scritto cose bruttissime su di te ma sono fatti vostri. Il discorso per me è chiuso. Con te ho sempre avuto pochissimi contatti perché non mi ispiravi fiducia. Parsa per me non esiste più. Detesto i bugiardi, gli ipocriti e quelli che fanno il doppio gioco. Auguri per la vostra vita con la speranza che possiate diventare persone serie, equilibrate, sincere, rispettose degli altri. D'altra parte siete ragazzini e non posso pretendere atteggiamenti che non appartengono alle vostre generazioni. Saluti a tutti. Pace e bene!

This topic sucks

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