PPG-University - Human Aura according to Buddhism Alles Mögliche

As you know Aura is most popular subject among science field and also in world society nowadays. In Buddhism, there is an explanation about human Aura. Like this,
Aura is a reflection of someone's personality. As an example, if someone has strong aura, his/her personality is high and is very healthy. He /She is at a certain level in spirituality and loved by all humans and non- human (it is like a good attraction)

And also, Buddhism says that if someone's aura is weak, the personality also can be weak, and person can be unhealthy, can be sick quickly. (The probability of that happening is high.)

And Buddhism says how to improve our aura. People who have weak aura, can do meditation. In meditation, we improve our concentrating and also helps to clean seven chakras of body. If someone is vegetarian, it is also helps (but Buddhism never forces to be vegetarian. It is always choice). In addition to meditation, the aura can be developed by allowing positive thoughts like kindness, compassion instead of negative thoughts like jealous, hateful etc. (because aura is something which works with our mind and soul)

The color emitted by the aura changes in different emotions and different behaviors of the human body. for an example, stressed minded person and calm minded person has different aura colors. (A person can have several aura colors at same time.

And today scientists already found that we can find someone's personality traits using his/her aura colors. So, this is what Buddhism says about Aura.

Thank you for your contribution, Ozka.
I added it in NEWS Report

Do you actually see the Aura of other humans, animals, plants...?
Does the aura show a stable pattern or does it change completely
due to the current sensation?

Best wishes


Bearbeitet von H_E_A_R_T .

As I said each human being have an aura which has two or three colors. (Sometimes it can be more than four colors). We cannot see these all-aura colors in our human eye. There are scientifically developed scanners to see that. But at home we can check the brightest color of our aura ring.

Aura does not show stable pattern. as an example,
When a person is stressed, his aura pattern and when the person is happy, the aura pattern is different. That means Aura pattern is changed according to the changing of human sensations and feelings.

And also, that pattern change according to the personality types of each person.
And if someone is sick his aura at that time is different than the time, he was healthy

You mentioned that we can check the brightest color
of our aura ring. How can I do that?
And does it help to get a better understanding of my Self?

Thank you Ozka

Bearbeitet von H_E_A_R_T .

Yeah. We can check it at home. I really cannot say that in a text. Have to use a video for explain clearly. There are many videos about
'how to check your aura colour at home'

Each colour has a meaning . So, we can get idea about some of our qualities, characteristics etc. But as I said aura is a combination of several colours. If you use aura checking machine you can see all colours. So to get better understanding about yourself have to know about all the colours you have.

I don't know how much such scanners in other countries but in our country it is kinda expensive.