PPG University - Latin Solutions

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Here you will always find the solutions of the tasks ( https://penpal-gate.net/forum/13-anything-and-everything/9258-ppg-university-latin ) :

Edited by Esma-Nur .

I like latin

Lesson 1: (the text)

It is quiet:
The donkey no longer barks, even the dog is silent.
3. The house lies under the sun, the gate is open.
Quintus stands and waits;
he thinks:
6. "Where is Flavia?"
Why didn't the friend come?
Why is she in no hurry to come?
9. I don't like to stand and wait,
I don't like being without a friend."
Suddenly the dog barks and is very happy, even the donkey barks.
12.What is it? Look! Who is coming?

I like latin
mee tooooo

Tell me which gender these words have, tell me if it is singular or plural and finally translate them. Solutions:
1. amica: f, sg, the friend
2. silentium: n, sg, calm
3. asinus: m, sg., donkey
4. villae: f, pl., house

Here a quick task:
Tell me the endings of these verbs in Latin (fill in). Solutions:
he is silent: tacet
she screams: clamat
to stand: stare
it likes: placet
she is: est
to wait: exspectare

Lesson 2: (the text)

Flavia is finally coming - but not alone.
The whole family appears.
3. Not only M. Flavius Lepidus and Mrs. Caecilia is coming,
But also Marcus and Aulus, Flavia's brothers,
And also the slave Syrus and the slave Galla.
6. Look! The other slaves are also there.
Everyone is happy, laughing and screaming.
Marcus and Aulus are getting closer quickly.
9. They already greet from afar: "Greetings, Quintus!"
Then Quintus says: "Greetings, friends!"
Why does Flavia take her time? What does she fear?
12. Now Flavia is also getting closer
And Quintus says: "Greetings, Flavia!"
What does he bring? Surely it's a gift.
15. Quintus is happy, because they are sugar candy and ... an apple.
Then Aulus and Marcus say: "Beh look! The other gifts.
They are not apples, they are ... frogs."
18. The whole family laughs and Quintus says:
Frogs also bring joy.
Suddenly a horse appears in the distance.

Here the solutions:
Here I have a task to Singular and Plural in Latin:
Decide if it is singular or Plural.
a) Substantives:
amicae: Pl.; asinus: Sg.; porta: Sg.; villae: Pl; silentium: Sg; portae: Pl; asini😛l
b) Verbs:
tacet: 3 P. Sg; clamant: 3 P. Pl.; venit:3 P. Sg; exspectat 3 P. Sg; stant: 3 P. Pl; est: 3 P. Sg; gaudent: 3 P. Pl.; iacet: 3 P. Sg.; sunt3 P. Pl; veniunt: 3 P. Pl