🎓🎓 PPG University -Universe ---- Black holes Sitä ja tätä

Black holes

According to general relativity, a black hole is a region of astronomical space from which nothing – not particles and not even light – can escape. This is the result of an extreme distortion of spacetime that occurs here, due to the gravity of a very compact enormous mass.

Around a black hole there is an imaginary surface that acts as a boundary, the so-called event horizon. Just outside this event horizon, light can just escape the enormous gravity. According to quantum field theory, the event horizon is the place where hawking radiation is formed.

Black holes are formed when very massive stars collapse at the end of their lives. After the black hole forms, it usually increases in size by absorbing matter from its surroundings. When a black hole merges with other black holes, it can create a supermassive black hole with a mass of billions of solar masses (M☉). Most galaxies are believed to have a supermassive black hole at their center.

The presence of a black hole can be deduced from its interaction with other matter and with electromagnetic radiation such as visible light. For example, matter moving past a black hole can be scattered into a characteristic accretion disk. Stars orbiting a black hole are also possible clues: their orbit can be used to determine the mass and location of the black hole.

Breach through the event horizon

Characteristic of a black hole is its event horizon - the boundary in space-time that acts like a valve for light and matter: they can only pass through from the outside in. Observation of what happens within the event horizon is therefore impossible from the outside. Also, no signal can be sent outside from inside the black hole.

General relativity predicts that a large mass distorts space-time to such an extent that objects within the event horizon can only fall towards the black hole

For an observer far from a black hole, clocks closer to a black hole run slower. Due to this gravitational time dilation, an object falling towards a black hole appears to be moving slower and slower. Other processes also appear to be slowed down: emitted light has a smaller frequency and, in addition to attenuation, exhibits gravitational redshift. Just before the object reaches the event horizon, the light becomes so weak that it can no longer be seen from outside the event horizon. From within the event horizon, the incident light source was and remained in principle always visible, because light can always enter from outside the event horizon.

But for an observer who is incident himself, these effects do not occur: his or her clock continues to move at the same speed and after a finite time the event horizon is reached, although its location cannot be observed locally.However, the observer would be "stretched" into a long string ("spaghettification") by the extremely large gradient of the gravitational field in the vicinity of the black hole.

When the black hole is not rotating, the event horizon is spherical and lies at a distance of the Schwarzschild radius from the center of the black hole.

Daniel-Mulder muokkasi tätä .

Woww that is nice surprise for PPG University!! I am now to go to a friend to her house for dinner but I will read the class in the weekend!! Thank you for the lecture for our cool university!! 💫🛸🛸🛸

Woww that is nice surprise for PPG University!! I am now to go to a friend to her house for dinner but I will read the class in the weekend!! Thank you for the lecture for our cool university!! 💫🛸🛸🛸
Okay... ANd ask questions if you read it this weekend 😃😃


🟢 Question: Would you like to tell us a bit more about the higher
dimensions and the appearance of Black Holes as Spheres, Daniel?


Higher dimensions are a concept in mathematics and physics that refers to the existence of dimensions beyond the usual three we experience in everyday life: length, width, and height

In three-dimensional space, the surface of a black hole must be a sphere. But a new result shows that in higher dimensions, an infinite number of configurations are possible. If we were to discover black holes with nonspherical shapes, it would be a sign that our universe has more than three dimensions of space.

❗A question for Daniel❗
You said that not even light can escape a black hole, so what happens when you shine a light into a black hole? Does It "suck" the light into It in some way?😛

❗A question for Daniel❗
You said that not even light can escape a black hole, so what happens when you shine a light into a black hole? Does It "suck" the light into It in some way?😛
Hope i can tell you in simple way to make it easy for you.
If you shine a light on it it will be to far to suck it in where you standing now. But if you shine close enough by a black hole then it suck it in... Gravity is so strong that everthing goes into the black hole and you get stratch out like thin wire. like to pull hard on a rope and gets thinner... like that😃

Hope i can tell you in simple way to make it easy for you.
If you shine a light on it it will be to far to suck it in where you standing now. But if you shine close enough by a black hole then it suck it in... Gravity is so strong that everthing goes into the black hole and you get stratch out like thin wire. like to pull hard on a rope and gets thinner... like that😃
Wow, that would be so cool to look at😃thanks for the explanation Daniel👍

...and here we have a great question!

. But ... that's not
all - something (non-manifest) actually comes out of
the hole during this process ... 🙂

Alway difficult to explain easy this kind of matter...
To give a awnser that everyone understand is even hard as this subject.

But your words and explain are really good 👍👍 i like that

Has anybody watched the NASA simulation which was published recently? It was about falling into a black hole.


Has anybody watched the NASA simulation which was published recently? It was about falling into a black hole.


Good video to explain if you get into it .. thank you very much to share this 😁👍

Thank you very much, Daniel.

...it would also be extremely interesting to perceive the known
phenomena from a higher-dinesional 'space'. Such excursions
would make our world view appear in a completely different
way. Perhaps even the solution to our problem - here in three
dimensions -- lies in such a shift...?

Your welcome
And if people know this things maybe they have a other few ont hings and better understanding.
Hope always that people use this kind of information 😃

Thank you very much, Daniel

That`s a very interesting topic for me.
I edited it already in NEWS-Report

Good night

Thank you very much, Daniel

That`s a very interesting topic for me.
I edited it already in NEWS-Report

Good night

Thank you He_art. It is interesting subject to read but hard to write it in easy way that everyone can understand.

Hi Daniel,

Do you know Nikodem Janusz Popławski?
I got very inspired by your lecture and digged a little deaper.

His theory is that every black hole could be a doorway to another universe
and that the universe was formed within a black hole
which itself exists in a larger universe.

I watched a report on arte.

The other thought of mine is. The science wants to proof anything that is not possible
to solve within the three dimensions. Do you think there are humans that have access
to a higher dimension? After all the "normal" human being just uses less than 20%
of the possibility the brain provides. And I doubt that the brain itself plays the leading role.

Just some thoughts

Hi Daniel,

Do you know Nikodem Janusz Popławski?
I got very inspired by your lecture and digged a little deaper.

His theory is that every black hole could be a doorway to another universe
and that the universe was formed within a black hole
which itself exists in a larger universe.

Yes. I hear about him time a go. 😃


We all know that the black hole everything sucks in and never come out.
And it is possible that it's a doorway to a other universe ... If you swolowed by a black hole it's maybe possible that you come out in a other universe --in other words that we speak about a multiverse. (more universes)

The other thought of mine is. The science wants to proof anything that is not possible
to solve within the three dimensions. Do you think there are humans that have access
to a higher dimension? After all the "normal" human being just uses less than 20%
of the possibility the brain provides. And I doubt that the brain itself plays the leading role.
Awnser: Science has 3 dimanesion: Length, high and width.
And if humans have the acces to get a higher dimension in that way is difficult to say.
We use only 20% of our brain.
So, maybe there's a possibility to get to a higher dimension. Maybe in a far future🤷‍♂️

It's a bit difficult subject and hope my awnsers are easy to understand?

Daniel-Mulder muokkasi tätä .

Hi Daniel,

I think you did a good job with your lecture.
The lessons should be motivating enough for the students to
do some researches on their own. Your subject is very interesting
and it leaves space for a lot of questions.

The human body and mind is also some mystery to me.
Still, after almost thirty years as physiotherapist.



The human body and mind is also some mystery to me.
Still, after almost thirty years as physiotherapist.


Thank you 😁
Hope always with this lecture about the universe to tell it in easy way that everyone can understand because it's difficult matter to understand. And always good to hear that i motivate people with this 😃😃😃
And the human body and mind is even mistery as the universe

Daniel-Mulder muokkasi tätä .

Hi Daniel,

Do you know Nikodem Janusz Popławski?
I got very inspired by your lecture and digged a little deaper.

His theory is that every black hole could be a doorway to another universe
and that the universe was formed within a black hole
which itself exists in a larger universe.

I watched a report on arte.

The other thought of mine is. The science wants to proof anything that is not possible
to solve within the three dimensions. Do you think there are humans that have access
to a higher dimension? After all the "normal" human being just uses less than 20%
of the possibility the brain provides. And I doubt that the brain itself plays the leading role.

Just some thoughts

His article "Universe in a black hole" in Einstein-Cartan gravity, is a quite interesting and remarkable one. He claims that: "The conservation law for the angular momentum in curved spacetime, consistent with relativistic quantum mechanics, requires that the antisymmetric part of the affine connection (torsion tensor) is a variable in the principle of least action. The coupling between the spin of elementary particles and torsion in the Einstein-Cartan theory of gravity generates gravitational repulsion at extremely high densities in fermionic matter, approximated as a spin fluid, and thus avoids the formation of singularities in black holes. The collapsing matter in a black hole should therefore bounce at a finite density and then expand into a new region of space on the other side of the event horizon, which may be regarded as a nonsingular, closed universe. We show that quantum particle production caused by an extremely high curvature near a bounce can create enormous amounts of matter, produce entropy, and generate a finite period of exponential expansion (inflation) of this universe. This scenario can thus explain inflation without a scalar field and reheating. We show that, depending on the particle production rate, such a universe may undergo several nonsingular bounces until it has enough matter to reach a size at which the cosmological constant starts cosmic acceleration. The last bounce can be regarded as the big bang of this universe."

That's quite brilliant since he makes some reasonable grounds for terms such as big bang, torsion tensor and cosmic inflation. His equations in the article sound pretty promising in the very sense of science.

Regarding to the dimensional question, The universe has three spatial dimensions (length, width, height) and one temporal dimension (time). This model is not related to our abilities but the very nature of gravity. In our universe, gravity follows an inverse square law, which means that the strength of the gravitational force decreases with the square of the distance between two objects. If there were additional spatial dimensions, the behavior of gravity would be different, and this would likely have observable effects on the motion of celestial bodies and the structure of the universe. The laws of physics are finely tuned for a 3+1 dimensional universe. It's important to note that theoretical physics, particularly in areas like string theory and brane cosmology, does consider the possibility of extra spatial dimensions beyond the familiar three. If such dimensions do exist, they would need to be compactified or hidden on very small scales to be consistent with our observations of the universe. Additionally it would be against the fundamental properties of space. As a macroscopic scale object at regular energies, you are restricted to move and interact in three dimensions of space, and one of time. Unfortunately, despite very intensive efforts spanning several decades, no evidence of these extra dimensions has ever been found. Most notable of these attempts was the failure of large hadron collider to find any indication of higher dimensions.