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Maddy’s plan to conquer non islam countries

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Anche la Svezia?

Looks like my plans for world domination are going viral!
But i dunno if its good, maybe I should be more secretive about it🤫


How is this compatible with peaceful religion?
Or same argumentation like Russia invaded in Ukraine.

How is this compatible with peaceful religion?
Or same argumentation like Russia invaded in Ukraine.
Islam is the religion of peace, in order for the world to be peaceful, Islam has to reign

Islam is the religion of peace, in order for the world to be peaceful, Islam has to reign
So how will you conquer the countries if you don’t wanna use violence?

So how will you conquer the countries if you don’t wanna use violence?
Violence is for the oppressors, the others will be dhimmis😛

Violence is for the oppressors, the others will be dhimmis😛
Will you kill people?

Will you kill people?
Yes, the oppressors and the apostates

They kill others, so they deserve to be killed

Yes, the oppressors and the apostates
How will you find an army?

How will you find an army?
You don't "find" an army lol, you make one

You don't "find" an army lol, you make one
How will you?

And for the 1000000th ttime DONT CALL ME MADDY!😡 🙄

How will you?

And for the 1000000th ttime DONT CALL ME MADDY!😡 🙄

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