daddy issues or mommy issues?

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weird forum hahaha
which one do you have?

The only issue i have is that if my dad speaks on the phone he thinks that everybody is deaf!! 🥸📢📣📣📣 And if he keeps doing that we will be really deaf soon!! 😵😵‍💫😵😵‍💫😵

The only issue i have is that if my dad speaks on the phone he thinks that everybody is deaf!! 🥸📢📣📣📣 And if he keeps doing that we will be really deaf soon!! 😵😵‍💫😵😵‍💫😵

The only issue i have is that if my dad speaks on the phone he thinks that everybody is deaf!! 🥸📢📣📣📣 And if he keeps doing that we will be really deaf soon!! 😵😵‍💫😵😵‍💫😵
🤣, sound like a great father 🙂