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What’s your taste in women\men? How your gf/bf has to be?
Thank you sir😉
For me its not really important , i am okay with everyone since they dont cheat/say lies . And yeah maybe girls wont agree me😆 but i wrote what was in my mind, anyway
Thank you sir😉
For me its not really important , i am okay with everyone since they dont cheat/say lies . And yeah maybe girls wont agree me😆 but i wrote what was in my mind, anyway
Thank you sir😉
For me its not really important , i am okay with everyone since they dont cheat/say lies . And yeah maybe girls wont agree me😆 but i wrote what was in my mind, anyway
Well, if ur talking about physical attractiveness then i guess supper supper suppppeerrrrr tall😅😅But the problem is that im quite tall, soo i dunno whats gonna happen 😅
Well, if ur talking about physical attractiveness then i guess supper supper suppppeerrrrr tall😅😅But the problem is that im quite tall, soo i dunno whats gonna happen 😅
Well, if ur talking about physical attractiveness then i guess supper supper suppppeerrrrr tall😅😅But the problem is that im quite tall, soo i dunno whats gonna happen 😅
Well, if ur talking about physical attractiveness then i guess supper supper suppppeerrrrr tall😅😅But the problem is that im quite tall, soo i dunno whats gonna happen 😅