Is the earth round or flat??

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LOL this is really funny . this guy is right
Yes, he actually is. He has a whole channel on youtube.

The earth is round

Im a flat earther

(Yeah i know there's gonna be a big war in this forum)

No way!!!!!!!!! Great!!!!!!!!! Iam a flat earther too!!!!!!!!!!!
I am not surprised that you are honestly

He really should not watch people on YouTube who mean they explain the world

He really should not watch people on YouTube who mean they explain the world
And yo
He really should not watch people on YouTube who mean they explain the world
And you need to shut the fuck up!!!!!!!!

The earth is round
Thats y
The earth is round
Our oppinion!!!

The earth is round
Thats y
The earth is round
Our oppinion!!

Is not flat..

The earth is round
Thats y
The earth is round
Our oppinion!!

Is not flat..

Yes, it is 🀣🀣🀣

The earth is FLAT!!
Like a table

The earth is FLAT!!
Like a table

The earth is not round, it is not flat, the earth is hollow! And the Nazis are living on the dark side of the moon! πŸ™‚

The earth is not round, it is not flat, the earth is hollow! And the Nazis are living on the dark side of the moon! πŸ™‚
Well, then its roundflat.

The earth is not round, it is not flat, the earth is hollow! And the Nazis are living on the dark side of the moon! πŸ™‚
Well, then its roundflat.
Brilliant point! I must think about it πŸ™‚

The earth is not round, it is not flat, the earth is hollow! And the Nazis are living on the dark side of the moon! πŸ™‚
Well, then its roundflat.
An Oval ..... makes sense!

The earth is an ellipsoidπŸ•΅οΈπŸ§

"If the Earth was a sphere, waters would flow down away, and people would die of thirst".

"If the Earth was a sphere, waters would flow down away, and people would die of thirst".
I know the argument of "Gravity" but that doesn't make sense at all

______________________________________________________πŸ‘½..πŸ‘½ . .πŸ›Έ_____________

Hello 'Flat-Earthers':

+ Which countries are on the borders to 'nothingness' ...
at the edge of the disc?

+ Or can you keep walking/sailing on the other flat side?

+ What is the approximate thickness of the Earth-Disc?

Looking forward to answers ... πŸ™‚


-Ok, so there's no country borders, its the ocean that is at the edge of the disk and there's an antarctic ice wall at the edge, have you ever watched Sinbad the legend of the seven seas?

- No you cant, cuz of the ice wall

-The earth has 7 layers, The Earth's approximate thickness is about 6,371 kilometers (3,959 miles) at the equator