What's your opinion on Isyes?

  • 131
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  • 38
He has finnish relatives.


Finnish Is very good 👍

i have to do the education ☝️
behave well with the Italian girl🤨🧐

Finnish Is very good 👍
Complicated language

Complicated language
Finland is one of the best countries in Europe

It has been overtaken by Estonia

It has been overtaken by Estonia

Finland actually has massive problems in capacities in the early educations. Teachers have problems with burn outs and so on and their new government doesnt support it by more money

Finland actually has massive problems in capacities in the early educations. Teachers have problems with burn outs and so on and their new government doesnt support it by more money
the Italian school is in pieces

I think Mrs. Meloni had other plans

I think Mrs. Meloni had other plans
unfortunately she is surrounded by poor characters. There are millions of tangled laws and a ravenous bureaucracy even in the school sector

Finland actually has massive problems in capacities in the early educations. Teachers have problems with burn outs and so on and their new government doesnt support it by more money
that’s anywhere kids are all the same

He is everything but he isnt funny. 😁
No funny???

i have to do the education ☝️
I know

I didn't want to be not nice😓

He is so funny because he always makes melina laugh but western comedy is far away from us. Ours is way better😛😛😛 jk , both are funny. Jokes are more funny if a language is your mother language

Oooo she throwed u away?😛
I threw her away like I always told you I’d do 😌