Your Opinion On Social Media

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What do you think about Social Media?

Social media is a powerful tool that can be used to change our thoughts. In another word, its a brainwashing tool. Social media algorithms are designed to show us content that we are likely to agree with. Social media can be used to target us with advertising that is specifically designed to appeal to our emotions. Today it's use to change our views on a political party, a politician and toward a country.

honestly i like them and they are nice for a lot of reasons but very very bad for someothers too

I think Social Media is great to connect with people about specific things and to create awareness about problems and spread important information. I find my own Instagram algorithm very positive and uplifting, apart from the real-life-issues.

On the other hand, I think Social Media can also be very damaging, especially for easily impressionable people. There is a lot of toxicity and negativity going on, on a lot of huge platforms. Be it unattainable and unrealistic beauty standards, hate speech or just simply misinformation. I think people using Social Media need to be very aware of the effects certain things have on them, as they should be in their life in general. If something makes you feel bad about yourself for things that objectively aren't bad, you should block that channel and stay away from that kind of content.
The echo chambers resulting from algorithms can also be very dangerous opinion-wise, or just toxic for yourself to be in.