Is it ok and safe if 2 both severely depressed people date?

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Like severely depressed, hopeless, suicidal, lost and all

Depends on if they encourage that behaviour and make it worse

In my opinion, it would be something like negative numbers in maths. If adding two negative numbers, the sum will always be a negative number. A loss plus a loss is a bigger loss. Especially they are both suicidal.

As someone who has experienced this, I think it's not ok and it's totally not safe for yourself and the other person. Your life begins to depend on them which make you become more depressed and anxious

If you want a professional opinion ask some losers, if you ask me, two sad people can make each other happier. Idc abt safety. As a depressed fellow, I can’t say no to this and crush a dream lol. If you love them love them.

And people gotta quit stigmatizing depression

Επεξεργάστηκε από τον/την KaleiHoney .

I totally agree with diogenes

I think it's alright if both of them are working on/with their depression: going to therapy, taking meds, all that stuff to deal with depression and not supporting each other in self-destructive tendencies/thoughts. It's dangerous if both of them just don't do anything about their depression because in that case, they're probably going to make it worse for each other.

My therapist told me “you should first love yourself before somebody else can love you”. Her reasoning was that if you don’t love yourself, you don’t get why the other person loves you i.e. If the other person gives you a compliment, you don’t accept it for being sincere. I don’t agree with this however: I do think that it’s alright if it makes you both feel better. Me personally, I find I get more crushes on people when I feel comfortable around them and I can be myself. So I would say if you like me and can get along with me well when I’m depressed, you’ve seen the worst side of me and it can only get better from there on. I also think that being both depressed creates this kind of bond of understanding eachother’s situation. Something that can be hard with other people.

When you’re depressed you show your most vulnerable side to one-another

It depends from the grade and the motif of the depression. If it is connected with a sense of loneliness, the relationship may be helpfull, but I think these cases are very rare and often very difficult to bring on.

I agree with Chaos, it depends on the approach. If you both want to improve your condition and are already working or willing to work hard on overcoming your fears and problems (just by yourselves or with some help of a specialist) – yes, it may be helpful when you know that the other person understands you and you may motivate each other. But even if one of you is in a moment when you can't/aren't willing to do anything about your condition, it sounds like a recipe for a toxic relationship.
(I'm saying this as someone with clinical depression and whose partner used to have depressive episodes).